Chapter 23

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George fiddled with his shirt and inhaled deeply to center himself as he stood outside Dream's hospital room. He had freshened up at the dorm, eaten his breakfast, and updated Philza on Dream's condition. Now he was back to free Sapnap from watch duty so he could prepare for work. But there was a tinge of fear pricking George's heart as he remembered that morning.

Waking up in Dream's embrace that morning felt so right. Like he belonged there... He remembers how they also held each other in their past life, though before it would usually lead up to something less wholesome.

The brunette let out a groan. When it came to the blonde, his body had betrayed him the moment his memories returned, but lately, his mind had been messing with him too. He gradually noticed how the blonde was consuming his thoughts. All he could think about since leaving the room earlier was that he needed to hurry back to Dream.

And the reason why? Because he was longing to continue their cuddling session. No, he wasn't worried about his health, because he knew that Sapnap was more than capable of looking after him. Instead, all he wanted was to feel the blonde's warmth once again.

George ran his hands over his face in frustration. Since when has he been so needy?

Eventually, he found the courage to step in and relieve Sapnap of caretaker duty. Sapnap said his goodbyes to the pair and after a few teasing remarks he went on his way.

George stiffly made his way over to the seat beside Dream's bed and scooched a little further away from the blonde. He couldn't trust himself to not try and find ways to touch the blonde to satisfy his newfound craving for physical affection.

"You should sleep a bit more; you still look tired." The brunette pointed out.

Dream quirked up an eyebrow. He was feeling rather energized at the moment and sleep was the last thing on his mind right now. Especially when he noticed that the shirt that George was wearing was one of his old ones that he had passed down to the brunette.

"It looks good on you..." Dream commented.

Now it was George's turn to look confused.

"You're wearing my shirt."

George glanced down at his outfit and his face heated when he realized that it was true. He couldn't believe that he was so distracted by his thoughts about Dream that he didn't realize what clothes he put on after his shower. George wanted so badly to pull his traitorous brain and heart out and beat them up for this, but then he would be dead. And he was rather fond of staying alive, even though he was currently praying for an earthquake or any other kind of disaster so that he could get out of this embarrassing situation.

"I didn't even notice," the brunette confessed sheepishly.

Dream quirked a brow at the brunette's expression, then furrowed his brow when he took in the unnecessary amount of distance between them.

"Why are you so far away?" The blonde asked with a pout.

"Why are you acting so butt hurt about it, I'm a reasonable distance away from you."

"No, you're not you Ass, I have to talk slightly louder just to make sure you hear me. How could you be so cruel George, my throat still hurts you know."

"Good, maybe then you'll consider sleeping so that we can leave this sterile atmosphere faster."

"But I wanna talk with you Georgie." Dream replied, taking on a childish voice.

"Dream, please shut up, I am this close to stealing some chloroform just to knock you out."

"What's got you all snappy all of a sudden?"

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