Chapter 13: Mew's Tight Grasp

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Sipping from the silver flask I had with me whilst sitting in the pool area of the hostel, listening to the sounds of the construction going on inside and the soft voices of April and Cheum that still managed to be heard.

"Isn't it a little too early for that?" Mew's voice startled me out of my reverie.

"Mew... I'm just trying to freshen myself a bit," I answered.

Mew walked slowly over to where I am and sat down. It's been a while since we have been together alone like this. His innocent face in stark contrast to the piercing stare he had on my own confused face as he faced me, looking me over slowly.

"What?" I finally asked him.

"Ray... what's going on with you? You used to talk to me about everything. I don't even get to see you anymore like this if I didn't come here," Mew replied and questioned me in return.

"Nothing. I'm alright Mew. I just thought I'd give you space to breathe. I've been burdening you for a long time now and besides, you have a new boyfriend whom you probably prefer to spend most of your time with, I don't want my problems or presence to cause you both problems" I answered.

"You know that I don't really think you're a burden right? I just want you to stop drinking because sometimes it gets tiresome to always have to pick you up when you're drunk. Even with Top, we can still be together like usual," he says.

"And be a third wheel to you guys? No thanks!" I answered too quickly. Mew's face looked crestfallen that it hurt a little to be the cause of it.

"You hate him don't you?" He finally whispers through his apparent hurt at this realization.

"No..." Knowing fully well I would never convince Mew with the way I can't even say it with a straight face. "He's just a bit too like Boston and I, that I find it weird that you like him. You hate promiscuous people. Isn't that why you chose to stay a virgin until you find the one for you? I wish you could have dated someone less likely to break your heart," I finally told him.

"Ray... I'm not as naive as you think I am. I can take care of myself and I know what someone's feelings for me are," he assures me confidently.

"Yeah, you do?" Smiling lazily at the thought that Mew doesn't even know what my feelings are when it's been staring him in the face the last few years or does he and is just pretending not to know?

"I know sarcasm when I hear them, Ray. What about you? What's going on with you? The last time I checked, that guy from the arts department was just someone who helped you find your way to the cafeteria, but now you're obviously close and wearing a couple bracelets during YOLO's pair up night? When are you going to tell me about him? It's been a few days since that night but you haven't said anything to me at all" Mew starts grilling me.

True, it's been 4 days since that night. I hadn't seen Yok either. He had been on a mission the other day. That much I know from the few messages we've exchanged over the few days. Neither of us suggested meeting. Yok said he was busy preparing for the mission and I just wanted to sort out some of the thoughts in my head, especially the lines that should be drawn between my unconventional arrangement with Yok.

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