Chapter 36: You Are My Home

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The salty air hit me immediately when I opened my car door. Feeling exhausted, I sighed as I made my way towards the asshole who demanded my presence here. The day had been too long with so many things happening all at once. Mew, my dad, and now this. I'm not sure if I've processed anything at all correctly.

"Can I bum one? I've had a very long, rough day," I said as I stood beside Black, who was pensively staring into nothingness while he waited.

Offering me one and lighting it, he said nothing for a while and just let me smoke in peace.

"Where's your boy?" I asked, looking around trying to figure out if Gram was also there.

"In the garage with White. They're trying to get in touch with Yok," he said, his voice tight with controlled emotions.

This scared me and I started... "What? Did something happen? Is Yok fucking alright?"

"He was before he left. We just told him that Mew finding out about the investigation could be our fault. We unintentionally talked about it during a party we were invited to and Top heard us. Yok got pissed with us and drove off in his motorcycle. We tried to call and text him but he hadn't responded to any of us since he left and we are kinda worried," Black said,  his usually strong voice now laced with uncertainty.

"I should go and try to find him then. Something could have happened," I pointed out, my voice trembling with worry.

"Hold on, let's talk for a bit. Don't freak out on me. I'm sure Yok is just trying to cool off somewhere," Black assures me.

"What is it? What do you want to talk about?" I reluctantly sat beside Black where he gestured for me to join him.

"You owe me this, so you better listen up. Your father being investigated came about because of me. He's one of the names that came up often with Tawi and other suspicious figures. Before we met you, I was the one who insisted we look into your father's affairs. Yok wasn't even particularly interested because he was dealing with some personal shit with Dan but I insisted it was the time for us to do it. When he met you, he came to us one day and begged us to stop everything. I was mad at him but he insisted and explained to us how he didn't want to hurt you. He wanted to tell you about it but he got worried it was going to make you hate him. Look, I'm sorry Ray. We weren't finding anything anyway, honestly. I know it sucks but this isn't really on Yok. You can be mad at me but can you just forgive him? You promised me a favor, I'm calling on it now."

I'm guessing Black isn't really used to asking for anything nicely. Even now when he said he was feeling sorry he still sounded like a petulant asshole. But I already know him enough by now to know this is him showing care for his friend.

"I wasn't angry about you investigating him. I was hurt, and scared. He's the only family I have left. Just like you have White. I got mad because he never told me and I felt he lied to me from the start. I now feel like everything we had was a lie. I don't even know if he ever really loved me," I said bitterly. "But you didn't need to call this as the favor I owe you, Black. When you said Yok is gone I know I'm not going to be able to stay mad at him. I care too much for him to stay angry. With the Top issue, I'm not sure why he even told Mew that. He was so insistent I stayed away from his boyfriend. That man is also clearly fucked up."

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