Chapter 15: Action Speaks Louder than Words

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Finding myself in Gin's restaurant when I left the hostel. I ordered the usual and sat down. Lost in my thoughts, I hadn't realized Gin had been talking to me.

"Sorry, what did you say?" I finally looked up to her.

"What's the matter, handsome boy, did rich pretty boy break your heart already?" Gin looks at me with sympathy.

Shaking my head to deny it but knowing it would be useless. Gin left me alone with my thoughts then. Remembering the last time we were here. The happy smile on Ray's face. The easy companionship we share. All the times I've seen him with nerdy boy, Ray was never like that. So why is he still insisting on being with him? Also, why am I angry when I knew from the start what I was getting myself into? Ray never lied to me about Mew and he never told me we were committed or exclusive. I shouldn't expect Ray to cater to my feelings when I explicitly told him I'd take care of it myself.

Gin came back, bearing a sweet treat. Courtesy of the house she said, sitting down in front of me.

"How's Ray's wounds? You haven't visited with him since that night. Who was that?" She asked curiously.

"My ex and Ray's all healed now," I mumbled, digging into the coconut ice cream.

"Your ex? I seriously thought he was his. How long were you together?" She prods.

"Three years," appreciating the cold and sweetness in my tongue.

"Three? But you've been coming here all this time and never bought him? We never even thought you were dating anyone all this time," she states. Obviously surprised at the information.

"He's not easy to get along with," I shrugged. Also wondering why I never brought Dan to the places I actually liked.

"And Ray is? You said it yourself. It was his first time," she laughs.

In fact, I was also thinking how strange it was to instinctively feel that everything about myself I can freely share with Ray. My relationship with Dan, although long, had certainly never been that easy. I had struggled to make my life fit his and had made a lot of changes along the way. Shrugging at Gin's statement, knowing she was waiting for an answer.

"So the problem is your ex?" She questions.

"Nope. He's in love with someone else," I frankly told her, tired of evading her probing. I needed someone to talk to anyway, might as well let it out to Gin.

"He certainly didn't look like someone who could have eyes for someone else when he was in here," she said.

"Looks could be deceiving," I answered curtly.

"Feelings can't be faked no matter how hard we try, Yok. Words sometimes are the exact opposite of how a person really feels. Don't believe what everyone says, believe how they act towards you. That's my motto. That's why I'm here being nosy. Coz I happen to believe your actions towards me makes us friends although you've never said it the entire five years you've been coming here," she laughs.

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