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I've learned to accept the gifts life offers me, but this woman, she's not a gift, and I'll never accept her. - Y/N

I couldn't bring myself to broach the subject after what happened with Jenna's mother. Shame enveloped me so tightly that I swiftly diverted the conversation. Yet, if I'm honest, I'd rather have our mothers believe we slept together than know the truth. Revealing it would only invite my mother's disappointment and lectures. As for the other woman involved, I dread to even imagine her reaction.

Minutes later, Jenna arrived wearing a plain white dress with delicate lace adorning the chest, slightly revealing. Her hair was partially tied back, the remaining cascading over her shoulder, paired with Converse sneakers. She wasn't as unattractive as I had presumed.

We ventured out for lunch in town with both our mothers, the atmosphere heavy with unspoken tension. Perhaps they assumed our silence stemmed from embarrassment over what they believed had occurred. The mere thought of it churned my stomach. When the time came to settle the bill, my mother suggested shopping, but I declined and headed home instead. There, I wandered the house, indulged in some exercise, and finally took a proper shower. Donning a fitted shirt showcasing my toned arms and abs along with sports shorts, I settled in front of the TV to catch up on a new show from my watch list.

As the clock struck past 10 pm, neither Jenna nor our mothers had returned. Frankly, I couldn't bring myself to care. Whatever Jenna chose to do was her concern. Thoughts of the upcoming wedding swirled in my mind, a looming event for which I was entirely unprepared. Despite feeling overwhelmed, I dreaded the prospect of facing everyone, knowing my disposition would likely be more irritable than usual. With Hailee, Angie, family, and friends in attendance, I found myself yearning for time to stand still, wishing to linger in today and avoid the challenges of tomorrow. The creak of the front door snapped me back to reality, and I glanced at the clock: 00:25, well past midnight. Her life, not mine.

Her footsteps approached, yet I refused to meet her gaze, desiring solitude as I immersed myself in my show. Please, just let me be. But she settled beside me, her scent tinged with alcohol and cigarettes. Does she drink? I inwardly sighed, realizing I wouldn't tolerate constant drunkenness.

"Father Vincent is working for the devil," she blurted out, spoiling the season finale of Warrior Nun. How infuriating. She seemed determined to get under my skin, oblivious to why I might resent her. It left me with no option but to retaliate. Yes, I take my shows seriously.

"Go wash up and go to bed, Jenna," I commanded, exasperated.

She chuckled, exacerbating my irritation. Tomorrow was significant, and she needed rest. Her request for help with a shower further irked me. What was her problem? Had she been drinking alone? The thought of her being an alcoholic sent a surge of frustration through me.

"Jenna, you're wasted. Go to sleep," I insisted, watching as she chuckled softly, leaning against me.

I felt paralyzed, unable to move as she whispered in my ear, insinuating something I wasn't prepared for. 

"The shower is big you know. Two can fit in.."

This was too much. I recoiled, leaving her on the couch. How dense could she be? If she wanted intimacy, she could seek it elsewhere; I had no interest.

Retreating to the guest room, I locked the door, wary of Jenna's potential advances. Exhaustion weighed heavily on me as I reflected on what had undoubtedly been the worst day of my life, dreading what tomorrow might bring.

The night dragged on, the weight of the day's events pressing down on me like a suffocating blanket. Alone in the dimly lit guest room, I lay on the bed, my mind consumed by a whirlwind of thoughts. The echoes of Jenna's words reverberated in my head, her unexpected advance stirring a mixture of confusion and anger within me.

Why couldn't she understand? I had made it abundantly clear that I wanted nothing to do with her in that way. Yet, she persisted, pushing boundaries and disregarding my boundaries as if they were mere inconveniences. It was infuriating, to say the least.

As I lay there, the soft glow of the bedside lamp casting shadows across the room, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered within me. What if she tried to enter the room? What if she continued to pursue me despite my clear rejection?

The minutes stretched into hours, each passing moment feeling like an eternity. Eventually, exhaustion began to take its toll, my eyelids growing heavy with fatigue. With a weary sigh, I closed my eyes, hoping that sleep would offer some respite from the turmoil of the day.

Yet, even in the depths of sleep, I found no solace. Nightmares plagued my restless mind, vivid and unsettling visions that left me tossing and turning in the darkness. It was a fitful sleep, haunted by the events of the day and the uncertainty of what tomorrow might bring.

I kept this virginity for you. - J

FORCED MARRIAGE | Jenna Ortega x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now