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Change is an inevitable aspect of life, nothing remains static indefinitely. Whether it's people, objects, or circumstances, impermanence is a constant. Perfection and imperfection are transient states, subject to evolution. Individuals evolve and adapt with time, fostering growth and transformation. - Y/N

I rise from bed with a sense of urgency, almost breaking into a run. She exits the room, and instinctively, I follow. I can't bear the thought of her leaving. The mere idea of being apart from her feels like a punishment. The truth is, I love her deeply. But in this moment, I feel like a fool, a monster even, for what I said. My grip tightens on her arm as we stand in the hallway, a silent plea emanating from within me. All I want is to express my remorse and declare my love for her, but Jenna shoots me a piercing glance and effortlessly frees herself from my grasp. The sensation of stupidity, of utter despair, washes over me.

"I love you. Please, don't go," I blurt out, desperation dripping from every syllable.

Her gaze faltered, then reconnected with mine, carrying a weight of sorrow. I recognized only too well the origin of her pain. Once again, I had wounded her. Jenna, with her tender sensitivity, bore the brunt of my careless words.

"You've demonstrated, yet again, that I am insignificant," she whispered, each syllable piercing my heart like a dagger.

It was deeply troubling to hear her speak of herself in such a self-deprecating manner. In my eyes, she was flawless, while I, on the other hand, felt undeserving of her love. How could she see herself as anything less than perfect? How could she not recognize that it was I who was unworthy? Emotions stormed through my mind, a tumult of apologies and declarations of love vying for expression. Yet, amidst the chaos of my thoughts, I found myself incapable of forming a coherent sentence.

"I'm leaving tomorrow. There's work to be done," she stated, her tone final, before storming out and slamming the door behind her with great force.

My chest tightened painfully, as if it might burst from the weight of my remorse. I felt monstrous, for I had hurt her once more, despite my love for her. She deserved to be treated like a precious gem, yet too often, I failed in this regard. I berated myself for my foolishness, consumed by self-loathing. Hastening towards the door behind which Jenna had locked herself, tears welled in my eyes. The mere thought of her departure threatened to unleash a flood of tears; I doubted I could bear her absence.

Knocking gently on the door, I spoke, my voice fractured with emotion. "Jenna," I called out, "I love you."

That's all I can say—I love her. I couldn't do it without her, especially with Olivia arriving tomorrow. She's my everything, a pillar of strength, my true north. But she's not responding, and I can't bear the thought of losing her. Slumping against the door, I sink to the floor. There's no way I'll let her walk away. Retrieving my phone from my pocket, I notice a missed call from Hailee. Now's not the time to return it. Mentally drained, I'm shattered that the woman I adore, my wife, wants to leave because of my foolishness. A tear escapes, but I quickly wipe it away. I can't afford to break down now. I've never cried for anyone, so why now, when she hasn't even left? Hope flickers; maybe she'll stay. I won't let her slip away.

"I'm warning you, you won't leave this house easily! I love you, and I won't let you go!" I shout with determination.

Footsteps draw near the door, and a glimmer of hope arises. Jenna loves me; I can persuade her to stay. As she opens the door, I turn to face her, only to freeze at the frostiness in her eyes and the anguish etched on her face.

"I don't want to be childish anymore. I need to prove I'm capable of being an adult, a real woman," she declares, shocking me to my core.

Jenna wants to demonstrate her maturity, but I'm bewildered. Can Jenna truly be an adult? Will she lose her tender essence? She notices my confusion and sighs.

"I'm serious, Y/NN."

But Jenna can't change. I love her just the way she is. She sighs again, running a hand through her hair.

"Shut your mouth," she snaps.

And with that, my world shatters. Jenna, never one to utter profanities, has just lashed out at me. I feel foolish, wounded by her sharp words.

"Now, go to our room, undress, and wait for me hoe," she commands sharply.

My cheeks burn with embarrassment. Is Jenna taking charge? Will she hurt me? It's unfamiliar, unsettling. I fear losing the gentle, polite Jenna I cherish. Rising to my feet, I can't meet her gaze, dominated by her newfound authority. I refuse to let her control our relationship, but I fear the consequences of defiance.


Waking up is a struggle, my heart heavy with despair. Last night, Jenna struck me, leaving me shattered. As she entered the room, her only command was, "Lie down and open your legs." With those chilling words, she commenced without care, devoid of any lubrication. Clearly asserting dominance, I shudder at the memory of submission. I despise being relegated downstairs when I belong upstairs. Despite the ache between my legs, I seek solace in her embrace. Observing her, I marvel at her beauty, my love for her unwavering. I yearn to shower her with kisses, to bask in her warmth for eternity, to witness her eyes gleam solely for me.

She catches my gaze, her stare piercing.

"Lick me," she demands. Panic grips me, making it hard to swallow. Has she lost her mind? I hesitate, refusing to succumb entirely to submission.

"Why, Jenna—"

"Lick me, now," she insists, her arousal evident. Her words send a shiver down my spine, realizing I've stirred her desire. A conflicted smile tugs at my lips; despite her flaws, my love for her remains steadfast. I crave to satisfy her, to mend our bond. Climbing atop her, she sets aside her phone, surrendering to our intimacy. Leaning in, I claim her lips, intoxicated by their sweetness. But her sudden movement startles me, breaking our kiss. Her arousal at my gaze exhilarates me, a side of her I've never seen. Though unfamiliar, I'm drawn to this newfound passion within her.

"Keep going," she urges eagerly. With a sense of satisfaction, I comply, descending between her thighs without delay. Her moans fill the room, unfamiliar and unsettling. This isn't the Jenna I know—reserved, polite, and modest. She needs to return to herself, to the woman I love.

"Excuse me?" A female voice interrupts, my stomach sinking. Olivia. I freeze, meeting Jenna's gaze, her grin betraying her amusement. How can she find this amusing? Caught in the act by our babyholder, it's anything but funny. Normally, first impressions matter, but this one's a complete disaster. Despite it all, I find myself smiling at her foolishness. Seeing her laugh is a relief, a welcome respite from yesterday's turmoil.

"Oops?" that's all she managed to say. 

Finish good Jenna. -J

FORCED MARRIAGE | Jenna Ortega x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now