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All the hatred I have towards her. -Y/N

My blood surges with fury, breaths hastening in rhythm. The desire to end her existence pulses through me, a relentless drumbeat. Yes, I will end her. She sits beside a man with a familiar brunet allure, one I've glimpsed in glossy magazines. His chiseled jawline, piercing hazel eyes, and soft, pink lips exude a deceptive charm. Gideon looms nearby, his presence exacerbating the situation, while she wears a smug, contemptuous smile that sets my teeth on edge.

I warned Jenna that her actions would lead her to incarceration. This woman, this vile creature, poisoned my wife and attempted to violate her. She sought to forcibly rob her of innocence, a crime that demands retribution. She doesn't deserve the privilege of drawing breath; she is nothing but a monstrous aberration, a despicable wretch.

I rise from the couch, a coalescence of seething anger and purpose. Each step I take towards her is laden with menace, her smile faltering in the face of my approaching storm. Yet, to my astonishment, the brunet man interposes himself between us, a barrier to my righteous fury.

"No!" I startle. 

I desire for him to step aside, granting me the opportunity to confront her, to inflict pain upon her. I long to witness her endure the consequences of her actions. With a contemptuous gaze, I communicate my intent to him.

"You're going to die, Gideon ," I say in a icy voice. 

She appears apprehensive, edging slightly behind the brunet for support. His gaze meets mine, yet I avert my eyes, attempting to catch Gideon's instead.

"She wants to make amends," the young man says. 

I gaze upon him, his eyes gleaming with the threat of tears. Behind him stands Gideon, but my focus is singular: I yearn to eradicate her. There's no other thought in my mind. She nearly defiled my beloved wife. The mere thought of Jenna unconscious, with that wretch's hands roaming her body, clouds my vision. It fills me with an intense loathing.

"You have no right to touch her. She's mine." I say to Gideon , annoyed. 

She gracefully steps away from the figure beside her, be it a friend, brother, or whoever he may be. Offering him a nod, he tentatively positions himself at her side. She releases a sigh, her movements deliberate but unhurried, provoking an additional layer of irritation within me.

"Excuse me. I acted wrong..." She looks at the ground and then back at me. "Jenna is my soulmate, and- "

Without allowing her to finish her sentence, I unleash my left fist upon her face. A groan of pain escapes her lips. How dare she claim Jenna as her soulmate? Her eyes glisten, on the brink of tears, yet she deserves every moment of suffering. In this instant, she deserves nothing but the harsh sting of consequence. My other fist swiftly follows, and she crumples to the ground. Despite the efforts of the man accompanying her to restrain me, my fury remains unchecked. Each blow I deliver carries the weight of my seething rage. With a vicious kick to her ribs, I mount her, raining down violent strikes upon her jaw. The world around me blurs into insignificance; all that exists are my fists, relentless in their assault. Amidst the chaos, I can hear the man's frantic shouts, alongside Gideon's cries of distress. She had dared to violate Jenna, to intrude upon my sanctuary uninvited, and worst of all, to lay claim to Jenna's soul.

Standing over her, I unleash a torrent of scornful words, each one a damning indictment of her monstrous actions. I brand her with the truth she cannot escape. Yet, soon enough, arms far stronger than my own envelop mine, rendering my struggles futile against their unyielding grip.

"You perverted bitch! You deserve to die, dirty bitch!" I scream at Gideon , struggling. 

She lay sprawled on the ground, hands shielding her face. As my senses returned to normalcy, I scanned the scene. Jenna was sobbing in the embrace of the brunet man. Two imposing security guards, likely affiliated with the young man, restrained me firmly. Why was Jenna in tears? All I had done was thwart the woman attempting to assault her. I had simply acted in defense of what was right.

"Ouch," Gideon sobs.

I struggled once more against the urge to inflict further harm upon her, yet the imposing figures of the two bouncers restrained me. Fortunately, my regular exercise routine endowed me with a physical advantage over Gideon's feeble attempts. It astounded me how effortlessly I subdued her. Meanwhile, Jenna remained cradled in the arms of the brunette, her tears flowing unabated, her gaze burning with indignation directed at me. Blame squarely fell upon Gideon for this altercation; I merely delivered what was warranted.

As Jenna turned towards me, her eyes brimming with sorrow, she drew closer and gestured to the security personnel, prompting them to release me. An exhalation of relief escaped my lips; the sensation of being forcibly held at bay was unbearable. Without delay, Jenna rushed into my embrace, clutching me with a fervor that bewildered me. My knuckles throbbed with pain, my head pulsed with a relentless ache. All I yearned for was to rid my home of Gideon's presence and retire to rest.

"Come on, get up," the brunet says to Gideon. 

He assists her to her feet, and as she stands, the severity of the damage I inflicted upon her unattractive visage becomes evident. A perverse sense of satisfaction washes over me. Whether their visit was truly intended as an apology to Jenna remains uncertain. As for Gideon's intentions, they elude me, but I find myself indifferent. Jenna is my wife, and I harbor an adamant aversion to the notion of Gideon ever encroaching upon her again. They depart without a parting word, a gesture that suits me fine. Gideon's relevance to this narrative is lost on me, but frankly, I couldn't care less. This day unfolds in a dismal manner. Jenna recoils slightly, her gaze piercing mine. In that moment, I discern genuine affection in her eyes, and the realization that she truly loves me churns my stomach with discomfort.

"I, I don't know what to say, sorry, I didn't know that-"

However, before she can utter another word, I gently silence her with a tender kiss. There's no need for her to apologize; Gideon's sudden appearance is beyond her control.

"How about going ice skating?" I smile at her. She chuckles, lowering her head and raising it to me.

"I... I've never been ice skating," she blushes.

What makes her so enchanting? What magic resides within her? Each time I gaze upon her, I'm filled with wonder. A smile naturally dances across my lips as I tenderly press them against hers.

"I'll teach you, I promise."

I never want to see you so angry again. -J

FORCED MARRIAGE | Jenna Ortega x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now