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I find myself seated on Hailee's sofa, as she had fervently pleaded for my presence, claiming she had something "important" to share. As she approaches, bearing two beers, her countenance betrays a rare sight – stress etched across her features. Hailee, typically unflappable, exuding an air of nonchalance, now appears burdened, a disconcerting departure from her usual demeanor. Concern grips me tightly; the sight of her distress compels an urgent need for clarity. She settles beside me, proffering one of the beers, which I accept gratefully, only to find her demeanor fraught with unease. She sighs heavily, absently scratching her neck, her gaze drifting to the floor, consumed by evident turmoil. Witnessing my friend in such a state weighs heavily upon me; her disquietude is palpable, unsettling. I cannot bear to see her this way, and as her confidante, it is imperative that I provide unwavering support.

"What's the matter?" I interject, unable to contain my apprehension. "I've never witnessed you like that. Please, Hailee, tell me." Yet, she averts her eyes still, releasing another weary sigh. With closed eyes, she appears vexed, fatigued, burdened by an unseen weight, and sorrow hangs heavy upon her countenance, accentuated by darkened circles beneath her eyes, further exacerbating my concern.

"I'm leaving," Hailee's words hit me like a freight train. Furrowing my brows, I struggle to comprehend. Hailee leaving? It's inconceivable. She's as rooted in this town as I am, having grown up here since birth. She can't just up and leave.

"Quit messing around. What's going on?" I demand, hoping for some semblance of levity.

"I'm not joking, Y/N. I'm getting out of here, leaving this shitty neighborhood behind," Hailee's tone is resolute.

It's as if all the air has been sucked out of my lungs, leaving me gasping for breath. The reality hits me like a physical blow to the gut. Hailee, my constant companion, is really leaving. My head spins, nausea threatening to overwhelm me. She's going away, leaving me behind.

"No, Hailee, please stop," I sighed, feeling a mix of annoyance and sadness. "Why are you leaving, for heaven's sake?"

"I'm going to live with... um, with," she cleared her throat and coughed. "Josh."

I didn't quite grasp whom she was referring to, furrowing my brows in confusion. Hailee was moving in with someone? But with whom exactly? I didn't catch the person's name.

"With whom?" I asked, feeling perplexed. Hailee sighed, and to my surprise, she seemed to be blushing. Hailee, blushing? Since when?

"Josh," she said, coughing once more. I still couldn't piece it together. Was she playing a game or something? Why wouldn't she just tell me the name of the person she was moving in with?

"What are you even talking about?" I said, growing increasingly annoyed.

"Josh! I'm moving in with Josh!" My eyes widen in shock. Who is this Josh? Is she out of her mind? And what about Niall? Didn't she just secure an agent for a new career? Moving in with some guy she barely knows is not a wise decision.

"Huh? Who the fuck is Josh? What about your career?" I blurt out, feeling panicked.

She turns her head away, closing her eyes tightly, her jaw clenched.

"Who's Josh?" I repeat, urgency creeping into my voice.

"He's my new man," she says, looking at me with seriousness. "I think I'm in love."

FORCED MARRIAGE | Jenna Ortega x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now