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The emptiness I have inside me... - Y/N


I immediately recognize Hailee's voice as she approaches the front door. Hastily, I throw on a pair of sports shorts and one of Jenna's T-shirts. Wearing her shirt brings me a sense of closeness; a longing for her presence that I can't shake. I've come to realize that I may be in love with Jenna, a truth I feel compelled to discuss with Hailee. Angie played a pivotal role in opening my eyes to this realization, and I'll forever be grateful to her for that. Descending the stairs, I find Hailee already in my kitchen, rifling through the fridge with her characteristic efficiency. Her ability to make herself at home never fails to bring a smile to my face.

"Give me a beer, please." She turned around with two beers in hand. 

I took one bottle and popped it open with my teeth, the satisfying hiss of carbonation escaping. She handed me another, and I deftly opened it as well. As I took a sip of my beer, I felt the need to unwind. Tonight, I had resolved to tell her something significant—I love Jenna.

"Come on," I say, heading towards the front door

I take a seat on the steps, and Hailee joins me. A heavy sigh escapes me, the weight of stress evident. There's a gnawing knot in my stomach, a familiar companion in moments like these. I've never confided in anyone about my feelings of love for another person, except perhaps to Clementine when I was 13... Yet, that was merely a fleeting infatuation of childhood, fleeting and insubstantial in the grand scheme of things.

"So, what are you thinking about?" Hailee said, taking a pack of cigarettes from her pocket.

I sigh, my stomach twisting.

"Jenna,"  I whisper.

Her reaction suggests a subtle tension, indicative of surprise.

"Do you love her?" 

Summoning all my courage, I muster a soft "yes" in response to her. I've never confessed my feelings to Hailee before, and I sense her astonishment mirrored in my own. It's surreal to acknowledge that I'm in love... Yet Jenna holds my heart, and Angelina's advice echoes in my mind: I mustn't conceal my emotions.

"Like, really? Damn." She chuckles.

I shift my gaze towards her. She gazes at the sky, a faint smile adorning her lips. Curiosity strikes me; I ponder over her thoughts, questioning whether she deems it trivial.

"What's up?" I ask

She turns her head to gaze at me, bathed in the soft glow of the small lights in my front yard.

"Nothing, it's just... Well, it's weird. That you're in love... I thought you were like me, I mean, that you would never fall in love. I'm happy for you, Y/N." She smiles at me.

I'm at a loss for how to interpret her recent words. While I'm deeply touched by her genuine happiness for me, it stings to hear her declare that she may never experience love. Hailee, my closest confidante, exudes a magnetic charm around men; she revels in their company and seems to effortlessly enjoy their attention. Yet, she's never confessed genuine affection for any of them, nor has she ventured into a committed relationship save for her time with Niall - a saga unto itself. Though Niall appears to hold onto her tightly, it's evident she doesn't reciprocate his feelings. It's time for her to muster the courage to set boundaries, whether it's asking him to refrain from frequenting her home or relinquishing his constant presence in her life.

"Did you get rid of Niall?" I sigh. She plays with her lower lip, sighs in turn, then looks from my eyes to the ground.

"No, but it's not a big deal. He's hot, and I blow off steam with him," she laughs. I laugh too.

Ah, that's just classic Hailee. Despite it all, she's always there to help me unwind. The way she expresses herself never fails to bring a smile to my face. She's got this endearing silliness about her. She's not just my sister; she's my rock, my confidante—my everything, really. Without her, I'd be lost.

Get lost, Gideon. - J

FORCED MARRIAGE | Jenna Ortega x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now