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She took my heart in ways I never expected. I love you -Y/N

A year later.

I recline in our bed, the weariness of our two-week stint in Los Angeles for Jenna's work still lingering heavily upon me. We made a decision during this trip—one I am content with: I won't pursue my own career; instead, I'll accompany her wherever her work takes us. The thought of us being apart, of leading separate professional lives, is simply inconceivable. Now, back home after a taxing day of travel, I'm drained both physically and emotionally. With no energy to spare, I don't bother shedding my clothes. All I yearn for is rest.

"Your clothes, love," she reminds me gently. Her unwavering consideration warms my heart. I peek up from my pillow to find her arranging the last of our garments in the closet, clad in pink underwear. How did I ever become so fortunate as to marry someone as remarkable as her? She returns to bed, her hair cascading around her bare chest, a vision of beauty that renders me speechless.

"Y/N, I did ask you to undress, my love," she chides with a playful smirk. I grin in response, amused by her teasing nature. Is there a consequence awaiting my disobedience? She rolls her eyes affectionately and approaches me, a mischievous glint in her eyes. Dropping to her knees between my legs, she maintains her playful smile.

"Shall I assist you with that?" she whispers, her breath warm against my skin. I nod eagerly, feeling oddly childlike in her presence. She chuckles softly, amused by our mutual silliness, and begins to peel off my t-shirt with delicate fingers. As the fabric lifts over my head, revealing her sparkling gaze, I'm overwhelmed by a sense of gratitude. How did I ever manage to find such a perfect partner in life? She's mine, and yet it still feels like a dream. Her eyes roam from mine to my lips, lingering on my chest before meeting my gaze once more. Blushing faintly, she radiates desire.

She leans in, her lips brushing mine in a tender kiss, igniting a fire within me. Without hesitation, I deepen the embrace, savoring every moment of connection. As she responds with equal fervor, I'm overcome by a wave of desire. Her touch is gentle upon my chest, her hands tracing patterns that send shivers down my spine. Lost in the sensation, my fingers entwine in her hair, relishing its softness. Eventually, we part for a moment to catch our breath, her cheeks flushed and her lips swollen with desire.

"Could you reveal what lies beneath that thong?" I ask, breathless and giggling like a fool. Jenna shakes her head, chuckling. Her lip caught between her teeth, she looks at me with a smile that speaks volumes. I know she's content now, and all I want is to enhance her happiness every single day.

"take off your clothes then" she murmurs, her smile widening as she gazes at me. Without hesitation, I begin to peel off my sweatpants. With a little help from Jenna, they're soon discarded. She presses her lips to mine eagerly, her tongue exploring my mouth as I relish the sensation. Breaking apart briefly, she rises, and I follow suit, our lips never parting. She guides me to our bed, where I lay back, running my hands over her back and down to her buttocks, grasping them firmly. A muffled moan escapes her as she presses against me. Determined to rid her of that pink barrier, I turn her over and position myself above her.

With fervent kisses, I pour out all my desire and love, feeling her thong grow damp, igniting a wild desire within me. Moving to her neck, I nibble and suck on her skin, leaving marks that betray our passion. She bites her lip to stifle her moans, and I revel in the pleasure of driving her to the edge. Despite all we've shared, she deserves this moment of relaxation. As I pause, proud to see a new mark adorning her neck, I trail kisses towards her chest. I'm on the brink of reaching the elastic of her thong when a sound interrupts us—Atlas's cries, our baby, emanating from his room. He must have been roused by Jenna's passionate cries. Disappointed, I sigh. Jenna releases my hair, mirroring my sigh. It's challenging to find moments of intimacy amidst parenthood's demands. Yet, it's just a phase, a fleeting challenge in the grand scheme of our journey together.

"I'll tend to him," she says with a sigh, resigned yet understanding.

"No, no, let me, I'll go." I insisted, planting a chaste kiss on her beautiful lips before making my way to the next room. As I entered, Atlas's cries still filled the air, and I was willing to wager he was hungry again. Scooping up my weeping son, I settled him into my arms, locating his bottle on the dresser. The moment the warm milk touched his lips, he quieted, sucking it down eagerly. His gaze, adorned with little grey eyes, met mine. With his curly, brown hair, Atlas Y/LN Ortega was undoubtedly the most beautiful baby in the world, and he was ours. Once he finished his bottle, I carried him with me back to our bed.

In our bedroom, Jenna was on the phone, a furrow forming on my brow as I disapproved of her friends calling at such late hours. However, upon noticing Atlas and my stern gaze, she promptly ended the call.

"Who was that?" I inquired, my tone cool.

She smiled at me, perhaps finding my demeanor amusing after the passion we'd shared merely ten minutes prior. "Tyler. He said I have to go back to Los Angeles in two days. There are other interviews for my brand new show."

I sighed, proud yet weary of Jenna's burgeoning career necessitating frequent trips. Stretching out on the bed, I settled Atlas between us. Despite Olivia-the-bitch being his biological mother, Atlas possessed traits of both Jenna and me, a fact for which I was immensely grateful. He was a calm, smiling baby, and we showered him with love and attention.

"My little treasure," Jenna murmured, gathering Atlas into her arms. I gazed at the two loves of my life, overwhelmed by the happiness and love they brought me. As Atlas lay on Jenna's stomach, giggling at her antics, the room filled with the infectious sound of his laughter. Jenna's laughter blended with his, her dimples accentuating her beauty. My heart swelled with love and gratitude, knowing they were my entire world.

I whispered, cherishing the moment.

"I love you both so much." 

This dream life we're living now. I never would have imagined it with anyone else but you. It's you, my one and only. It's you and I love you -J

Y'all I wrote this listening to nobody get me by SZA... I'm sobbing rn 

Take care of yourself <3 

FORCED MARRIAGE | Jenna Ortega x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now