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Too good, too dumb. - Y/N

"Couldn't you have woken me up earlier?"

I watched as Hailee scolded Angie, their voices echoing down the hallway as they made their way to the living room. It was already past 11 am, and Hailee, despite looking half-dead, insisted on going to work. Given the monstrous hangover from last night, there was no way she could have risen at 7, let alone function effectively at her job.

Meanwhile, I found myself in the kitchen, clad in white sweatpants and a Nike t-shirt, nursing my hangover with eggs, water, and aspirin. The throbbing in my head wasn't solely from alcohol; the walls of this house served as constant reminders of why. Glancing at the ring adorning my finger, I felt the weight of impending change. Jenna, once a stranger, was now my wife. Damn it. I buried my head in my hands, grappling with disbelief. How could she love me? We'd only known each other for three days, and I hadn't exactly been the epitome of kindness. The memory of our conversation in the car gnawed at me—her words cutting through the haze of alcohol-induced honesty. The pain intensified as my mind raced.

She claimed she couldn't fall in love, suggesting she might not recognize it if she did. Perhaps her words were merely an expression of happiness—or maybe, just maybe, they held truth. Recollections flooded my mind—her genuine joy, her talk of marriage and a future together, even the tears I'd caused. You don't cry over a stranger's cruelty. Shit. What if it's real? Jenna, why are you doing this to me?

Lost in a sea of confusion and exhaustion, I couldn't fathom the situation. I didn't want this; I didn't want her love. And yet, here we were. Thankfully, she was still asleep.

"Oh, come on, Hailee, you're the reigning queen of sleep. Even if I wanted to, waking you up would've been futile," Angie retorted, her eye roll exacerbating my headache.

"Then give me your car keys. I need to fetch mine," Hailee demanded, ascending the stairs.

"Y/N! I'm borrowing some clothes, okay?"

"I'm warning you, Hailee, you're not driving my car! Absolutely not!" Angie's voice reverberated, intensifying my pounding headache.

Massaging my temples, I braced for their continued banter. Damn, they were going to split my head open.

"Can you both stop shouting, please? I beg," I interjected weakly.

Hailee's laughter filled the air as she descended the stairs, accompanied by Tyler in a black bathrobe. Where had he found that? Was it Jenna's? Hailee, now clad in oversized black sweats, looked somewhat embarrassed in my clothes—endearing, in a way.

"Oh, Y/N, Jenna said she's waiting for you in the room. She wants to talk to you," Tyler announced, a smile playing on his lips.

My heart clenches. Why does she want to talk to me? Did I mess up somehow? Swallowing hard, a sense of foreboding washes over me. I nod to Tyler and begin ascending the stairs towards Jenna's room. With each step, the knot in my stomach tightens. Drawing in a deep breath to muster courage, I push open the door without knocking. As I step inside, I find Jenna's room empty. Where could she be?

"Jenna?" I settle onto her bed, taking in the details I'd previously overlooked.

"I'm here!" Her voice emerges from the bathroom.

FORCED MARRIAGE | Jenna Ortega x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now