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She is like a diamond: precious, fragile, rare, beautiful. Jenna is a diamond. - Y/N

Three days have slipped away, marked by an incessant stream of questions swirling within me. Three days entwined in slumber with Jenna. Three days punctuated by stolen kisses whenever our paths intertwine. Amidst it all, I'm left pondering the depths of my feelings for her. Do I truly love her? Is that the profound sentiment I harbor in my heart?

In a moment of vulnerability, I confided in Hailee, baring the tumult of emotions that surge whenever I'm in Jenna's presence. And in her wisdom, she suggested the possibility that I may be in love with her.

Yet, yesterday brought an unexpected twist as Jenna arrived accompanied by a tall, blond figure named Niall. His presence was striking, though not in a way I, as a lesbian, would typically find captivating. It was his peculiar demeanor that stood out. A singer by trade, he brazenly peppered Hailee with suggestive remarks, oblivious or indifferent to the discomfort it caused Jenna and me. The atmosphere grew thick with awkwardness, yet Hailee appeared to entertain his advances with unsettling ease...

Flashback, last night.

- Didn't you guys get stuck in traffic to come here? I asked.

- Yes, but we didn't notice the time passing. she said.

- It's true, but I kept her a bit occupied, so she didn't really pay attention to the journey... He smiled at Hailee.

- And that's how Hailee and I ended up in our French teacher's house. I said, laughing.

- You guys are completely crazy. Jenna chuckled.

- Seriously, the French teacher was so hot, we even searched through his underwear drawers. Hailee laughed.

- He was hot? Niall raised an eyebrow.

- Well, yeah. she shrugged.

- Hotter than me? He smiled at her.

- No one can be hotter than you, babe. Hailee kissed him.

- I'll get dessert. Jenna said, getting up from the table.

- No, it's fine. We'll save dessert for later. Niall said.

- Sorry? Jenna asked.

- He says he's not hungry anymore. Hailee said.

- Oh, but Carole made crème brûlée, are you sure you don't want any? Jenna asked, disappointed.

- Cream is meant to be eaten naked, Niall chuckled.

End of flashback.

After completing my evening workout, drenched in sweat and craving a refreshing shower, I check the time on my phone—it's 8:30 PM. Exhaustion washes over me after an intense hour of exercise. I make my way upstairs, intending to change and rejuvenate in the bedroom. However, upon entering, I notice Jenna slipping on a jacket. Is she planning to leave the house? As I rummage through our shared closet for underwear and sports shorts, I observe her adjusting her hair. Could she truly be stepping out? Where is she headed at this hour? And with whom? The late hour raises questions about her sudden departure.

- Where are you going? I ask.

She turns her head in my direction, gracing me with a smile. I stand poised between the dressing room and the bedroom, while she busies herself inside, attending to her hair. With effortless grace, she glides towards me, her smile unwavering.

FORCED MARRIAGE | Jenna Ortega x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now