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I'm a child about to become a mother. - Y/N

I storm through the front door, seething with anger. In the kitchen, I find Jenna and Tyler chatting with the housekeeper as they prepare our meals. Jenna's smile fades when she sees the expression on my face.

"What's wrong?" she asks, her brow furrowing in concern.

I approach her, feeling the weight of frustration pressing down on me. She studies my face intently, and it hits me—she doesn't know. She doesn't know about our plans to adopt children.

"My father called," I nearly shout, my hands trembling with emotion. "We have to... We have to adopt kids!"

Jenna steps back, her shock evident, but it's not the adoption news that seems to startle her—it's my reaction. I'm furious because I feel too young to be a mother. I've only just started to develop feelings for Jenna, and despite being married to her, I need time to adjust to the idea of such a significant change.

"So what?" she says, crossing her arms defensively.

Her response infuriates me even more. How can she brush off the idea of becoming a mother at 20 so casually? She's too young, damn it! Her indifference only serves to heighten my frustration.

"Is this a joke, Jenna? Wake up!" I exclaim, unable to contain my anger. "You're 20! You can't be a mother at 20!"

She rolls her eyes, her irritation palpable. I'm bewildered—why is she angry with me? Shouldn't she be directing her anger at my father instead?

"We were supposed to adopt children one month after the wedding," she says coldly.

I'm caught off guard. I had no idea. We haven't even been married for a month yet, and now we're expected to have children? It's too soon, too much, too overwhelming.

"No! I don't want kids!" I protest, my frustration reaching a boiling point.

I'm so angry that I could lash out at Tyler, who watches the confrontation unfold with a detached calmness.

"You don't want kids?" Jenna claps her hands sarcastically. "Well, that's just great, Y/N. But you're obligated to have them."

I close my eyes, trying to rein in my emotions. Now it's Jenna who's getting under my skin. I'm not ready for this. I'm not ready for marriage, let alone parenthood. It's too early, too rushed, too everything.

"I don't want them, Jenna, it's not that hard to comprehend.."I murmur, feeling defeated.

But then, unexpectedly, she closes the distance between us and kisses me fiercely. It's a kiss filled with rage, but it also stirs up other emotions within me—confusion, desire, longing.

"We have to build a family,"she whispers breathlessly as she pulls away, her lips swollen and red.

In that moment, amidst the tumult of our conflicting emotions, I come to a realization: perhaps, just perhaps, we can discover a way to navigate this new chapter together.

As I absorb her words, I am acutely aware of the circumstances that led to our forced marriage—the pressure to build a picture-perfect family, attain wealth, and carry on with obligations we never chose. Becoming a mother at such a young age weighs heavily on me. I can only muster a nod, understanding the significance this holds for her. Jenna will likely excel as the epitome of motherhood, while I grapple with the transition from tough girl to motherhood. It terrifies me to my core.

FORCED MARRIAGE | Jenna Ortega x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now