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Sometimes you have to accept defeat. -Y/N

I find myself lying motionless in bed, devoid of any inclination to stir. The sensation of numbness consumes me entirely, a state induced by Jenna's absence for the past three days. It's unsettling how her mere physical distance has left me feeling so hollow. It's unsettling, but unsurprising, considering she's my wife...

As I lay here, my head sinks into her pillow, and I instinctively turn to bury my face within, seeking solace in her lingering scent. Each inhalation sends a cascade of sensations through me, stirring my senses and tightening my chest with longing. I yearn to be reunited with her, to express the ache of missing her, to simply be in her presence once more. The intensity of this longing perplexes me, leaving me feeling incomplete in her absence.

Without hesitation, I reach for my phone, my fingers moving with purpose as I compose a message to Hailee.

10:54 AM: From Y/N to Haileebear: Jenna left for three days to LA... I feel a bit lonely... Want to go to the movies this afternoon with Angie?

I've sent it. I prefer not to suffer alone. I mustn't linger on Jenna too much, or I'll find myself impulsively booking a flight to be with her. I could really use some company; being with my friends will help. Her response comes just a few minutes later.

10:58 AM: From Haileebear to Y/N: Girl, some of us have jobs.

Oh dear, why does she have to work? It's frustrating that she has to earn a living; I feel quite alone. I long to be with someone, and this situation truly vexes me.

11:00 AM: From Y/N to Haileebear: Can you come to my place tonight then? 😞

11:01 AM: From Haileebear to Y/N: Ok, but I'll ask Niall if he lets me go. 😒

Oh, indeed, Niall. Quite the unpleasant fellow. I harbor a deep disdain for him. He seems to have a hold over my dearest friend, leading her astray. Hailee, bless her heart, has never been one to commit to a relationship for such an extended period, and it's disheartening to witness her entangled with someone of his caliber. She possesses an abundance of kindness, wit, and unwavering support for those around her. It's clear to me that this man is undeserving of her affections, and I fully intend to address this matter with him tonight.

Feeling disinclined to spend the day in solitude, I opt to reach out to Angelina, suspecting she might be available, given her likely day off. Angie and I share certain similarities; despite coming from affluent backgrounds, we both choose to work. While my wealth stems from my father's endeavors, Angie's is the fruit of her own labor.

11:07 AM: From Y/N to Angiebaby: Hey Angie! How about we grab some food this afternoon? 😊

A few seconds pass before she responds.

11:09 AM: From Angiebaby to Y/N: Idk... Depends on who it's with.

11:09 AM: From Y/N to Angiebaby: Just us two 😏

11:10 AM: From Angiebaby to Y/N: Ok, let's meet at the mall! I'll be there in 1 hour.

11:10 AM: From Y/N to Angiebaby: Okay Jolie!

I am simply overjoyed to not be alone!

"Hey", Angie sits next to me. "Sorry for the delay, a customer called me, a very annoying one," she sighs.

I offer her a warm smile. It's barely been ten minutes since my arrival, just enough time to place our burger orders.

"It's nothing", I hand her the tray. "I got you the same thing as me, you'll love it." She takes the food from the tray and takes a bite.

"Mmm, damn. It's been a while since I've eaten here. I missed it. Hailee actually wanted to come here yesterday instead of going to your place," she chuckles.

"Oh, that traitor," I said as I harshly bite into my fries. "I won't let her win in Mario Kart ever again." Angie giggles a little.

"Anyway, how's things with you and Jenna?" she asks, sipping her Coke. "Getting along now?"

I exhale heavily, grappling with the words to convey to her. It's not accurate to claim there's "nothing" between us; there's undeniably something. We share moments of intimacy, I long for her presence, yet she also induces a tumultuous unease within me... I believe she harbors affection for me; she confessed it, albeit under the influence. However, it's not as straightforward as it once seemed. My perception of her has shifted, accompanied by a cascade of ambiguous emotions. Shall we settle on... Complicated?

"Er... Well... She's my wife, you see, and... Well, we kiss a lot..."I'm confused. "Uh, what else...? Well, I miss her, she's gone to work in LA for a few days..."

"Do you love her?" she smiles at me.

I'm struggling to find the right words... Honestly, I'm not sure where I stand. I'm grappling with whether I truly love her... Despite frequently kissing her, I'm feeling overwhelmed and frustrated by it all.

"I don't know," I frown.

"I'm not a lesbian, but she's very sexy, you know, Jenna," she giggles.

Pardon me? She perceives my wife as attractive. I'm inclined to address this directly. My wife is exclusively mine, and it's inappropriate for her to harbor such thoughts about Jenna. I intend to confront her about this matter, expressing both my disapproval and disappointment. What aggravates the situation further is that Hailee echoed similar sentiments to me previously.

"Damn, I didn't say anything, stop looking at me like that, you'll paralyze me," she laughed.

I shake my head in disbelief. It's alarming to realize I had unconsciously shot Angie a glare filled with hostility. Yet, the irony strikes me hard – Angie isn't even a lesbian; she's committed to her boyfriend. This revelation serves as a stark reminder: I urgently need to break free from the grip of drugs. It's a sobering thought, ironically juxtaposed with the fact that I hadn't even indulged in any substances this time.

"I'm sure you love your Jenna," she winks at me.

My Jenna...

"Maybe I do," I mumble, looking down at my tray.

"You know, Y/N, it doesn't matter if you're in love with her, you're married to her and she's freaking hot. You shouldn't hide your feelings for her if you have any, because falling in love with someone like her is more than normal," she smiles at me.

I exhale deeply, absorbing her words. Despite my urge to resent her for continuously praising Jenna, she's speaking the truth. Concealing my affection for Jenna isn't right. After all, she's my wife. Isn't it natural to be deeply in love with your spouse?

"Yeah,I sigh.

Oh, no, no, no. Gideon is here.... -J

FORCED MARRIAGE | Jenna Ortega x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now