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Lovely view. - Y/N

My shopping day with Jenna unfolded rather tranquilly. She picked out some new clothes, mostly sticking to premium dark colors. It struck me as odd; I had expected her to gravitate towards vibrant and eccentric designer brands. Nonetheless, I was relieved to see she wasn't splurging excessively. As for myself, I simply grabbed some swimsuits, the only items missing for our honeymoon trip.

Maddie and Tyler ended up extending their stay by a day, so they were with us when Mya, Jenna's cousin, joined us for dinner. Mya exuded a sense of strictness and rectitude, though not unkindly. She's married with two children back home. It was during this dinner that I discovered Jenna's mother works as a nurse, and Jenna herself is an actress. Among all the potential professions, I must admit this one caught me off guard. I now feel obliged to watch one of her movies, if only for mocking purposes. However, I couldn't glean any information about her father, despite my curiosity since the wedding.

The remainder of the evening passed quietly as we watched a movie, with Maddie conveniently seated between Jenna and me. I couldn't bear the thought of sitting next to her; the discomfort was too much to bear.

The following day, Jenna drove her two best friends to the airport in the morning. My mother invited us for lunch, during which my brother met Jenna, and I'm convinced he's already smitten with his new sister-in-law. The rest of the day unfolded smoothly; I delved into season 2 of "Warrior Nun" while Jenna spent most of her time on the phone in her room, emerging occasionally to raid the cabinets for snacks. She changed into more casual attire - a black tank top and white sport shorts - and donned her headphones.

During dinner, Jenna seemed particularly cheerful. Perhaps it was because it was our first meal together, just the two of us. She bombarded me with questions about my life, my interests, and my dislikes, and I endeavored to answer them as candidly as possible.

Later in the evening, as I passed through the living room to grab some water, I noticed Jenna asleep on the couch, clad only in her underwear - a black bra and panties. I woke her up, unwilling to let her remain in such a state, and certainly not about to carry her to her room. Surprisingly, she showed no embarrassment at being seen like that in front of me, though I was mortified, especially given how her presence was undeniably distracting. Her perfectly tanned skin and toned stomach were hard to ignore, and her freckles seemed more pronounced than ever. After that encounter, I retreated to the guest room for the night.

We embarked on a private jet together bound for Honolulu, Hawaii, where we planned to spend a week before heading to Nice for another week. I've visited France before; my mother has family there, and Jenna has expressed her fondness for the country, so I'm looking forward to showing her around. Since it's still early in the year and France tends to be chilly, I advised Jenna to pack one suitcase with summer clothes and another with warmer attire. The flight passed without incident; I slept for most of it, and I suspect Jenna did too. We were seated face to face, and I couldn't help but notice that her leg occasionally brushed against mine - whether intentional or not, I couldn't say.

"Wow, look at this amazing view!" I exclaimed as I opened the balcony window.

Jenna followed me, speechless. I glanced at her, noticing her awe. The villa we rented was breathtaking; everything about it exuded beauty. Despite rarely visiting this country, I was already enamored. I intended to make the most of these holidays. As night fell, hunger gnawed at me. Since the cook wouldn't arrive until tomorrow, I suggested to Jenna that we head into town for dinner. She pulled out her phone, snapping photos of the landscape. I couldn't help but wonder why she always used the same black and white filter. I restrained myself from asking, opting instead to lean on the balcony railing and sigh.

FORCED MARRIAGE | Jenna Ortega x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now