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Jenna and Y/N were blessed with two more additions to their family: two daughters named Angele and Maia.

Breaking away from the tradition of arranged marriages, they opted to empower their children to forge their own paths in life. Their days were filled with joy, devoid of discord. Even amidst their frequent journeys, their little ones were always by their side; leaving them behind was inconceivable. Unity was the cornerstone of their family, an unwavering principle.

Hailee and Josh shared a life together, nurturing two children. Hailee thrived as both an actress and a singer, while Josh continued to excel in the realm of sports.

Following the incident, Olivia disappeared from Jenna and Y/N's lives, leaving her fate a mystery after giving birth.

Gideon pursued her passion as an actor and found love with Manon, a renowned model. With time, she reconciled with Jenna and Y/N, fostering harmony within their circle.

In a tragic turn of events, Jenna and Y/N bid their final farewells at the ages of 77 and 79, perishing in a plane crash. Their love endured until their last breath, their final gaze exchanged with utter affection as they whispered "I love you" one last time, departing this world together.

Their love was boundless, transcending time and space. They credited the forced marriage for uniting them, igniting the flame of love that burned eternally. Grateful for the commitment that brought them together, they recognized it as the genesis of their idyllic life. Their journey, from its inception in an arranged union, was one they would gladly embark upon again if given the chance.

The End.

So.. this is the end. What a ride..Right . Hope you like it either way. 

Take care of yourself <3


 I would like to thank again the author "Cake like Zayn" and her fanfic, which was heavily inspired by this story. All credit goes to the author. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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FORCED MARRIAGE | Jenna Ortega x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now