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Jealousy is sexy. - Y/N

"I'm back!" I announced as I stepped through the threshold of the villa we had rented.

Having spent the day in town, I played the part of a solo tourist, even crossing paths with an American girl named Gideon. She was a bit older but undeniably charming. Over drinks, she confided in me about her vacation with friends, mentioning her single status. As the smooth operator I fancy myself to be, I conveniently omitted the fact that I was here for my honeymoon. Instead, I casually mentioned I was vacationing with a friend.

Jenna had declined to join me today, maintaining an icy silence since yesterday. I suspected I might have bruised her ego, but frankly, I couldn't bring myself to care. After all, she shouldn't have been acting so... forward. Gideon had even passed me her mobile number, and we'd been texting incessantly since parting ways. I slouched onto the sofa, still wearing my shoes.

20:04: From Gideon to Y/N: I really enjoyed our conversation today...

20:04: From Y/N to Gideon: Likewise.

20:05: From Gideon to Y/N: How about we do it again tomorrow?

20:05: From Y/N to Gideon: Yeah, sure, why not!

20:06: From Gideon to Y/N: I can't seem to get you out of my mind...

So, Gideon was thinking about me? Good, because I couldn't seem to shake her from my thoughts either. An actress residing in America, she was witty, kind, and had an impeccable sense of style. She seemed perfect. Despite the age gap, I found myself unfazed. I envisioned her becoming a close friend in no time. Our conversation had flowed effortlessly for hours on end. I had thoroughly enjoyed myself.

20:10: From Y/N to Gideon: I find myself thinking about you often too.

20:11: From Gideon to Y/N: What are you up to tonight?

20:12: From Y/N to Gideon: Nothing special... Just unwinding in the rented house and thinking about you... And you?

20:12: From Gideon to Y/N: Same. Did you know Yves Saint Laurent kept his love for his producer hidden for years?

20:14: From Y/N to Gideon: Did they ever tie the knot?

20:14: From Gideon to Y/N: No... It's rather sad, isn't it?

20:15: From Y/N to Gideon: Yeah, poor guy.

I watched Jenna pass through the living room and head to the kitchen, her every movement catching my gaze. However, I refrained from engaging her in conversation, respecting her silent treatment. Admittedly, I may have gone a tad overboard with my teasing yesterday before abruptly leaving like a jerk. But her persistent advances had grated on my nerves, especially considering my clear lack of interest. Plus, the fact that dinner wasn't ready yet and my stomach was growling didn't exactly improve my mood. Everything felt utterly dismal.

The evening dragged on in a suffocating silence. Jenna, who just days ago had been beaming with delight over our intimate dinner, now chose to seclude herself in her room, glued to her phone with the TV blaring in the background. Perhaps I had pushed Jenna too far, but I needed her to understand that her advances were unwelcome.

The following day, we swapped roles: I remained at the villa while Jenna ventured into town, her whereabouts unknown to me. Once again, we failed to share a meal together, albeit this time because she returned at an ungodly hour of 2 a.m. I refrained from comment, relieved that she wasn't inebriated.

FORCED MARRIAGE | Jenna Ortega x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now