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This news... -Y/N

"Good morning!" I say with cheer.

Descending the staircase leading to the lower level, I relish each step, the memories of our passionate night flooding my mind. Since waking up completely unclothed in our bed, I've been engulfed in a state of euphoria. However, Jenna isn't present upon my awakening, and the realization that it's her first time doing this weighs heavily on me. It drives me crazy that she's starting all this with me.

Approaching the table, I notice Jenna and Tyler seated there. Tyler casually enjoys his cereal while Jenna sips her coffee, her gaze fixed elsewhere. Despite the morning's tranquility, I can't shake the feeling that something's amiss. Is she upset with me? Did I inadvertently offend her? The thought sends a wave of anxiety coursing through me, triggering a sense of panic.

"You're not saying hello?" I inquire, attempting to meet her gaze, yet she averts her face, shrouding her expression from my view

Tyler erupts into laughter beside us, his chuckles filling the air with infectious amusement. Curiosity piqued, I observe him closely, intrigued by the source of his mirth. Jenna, avoiding eye contact, betrays her embarrassment through the telltale flush coloring her cheeks.

"In fact, I just confessed that we heard your moans last night!" He laughs even harder.

I merely chuckle. It doesn't faze me. Hearing my moans is nothing new, and I harbor no shame about it. Over time, I've come to recognize that I possess an uncommon level of self-assurance. I roll my eyes, confident that Jenna, in contrast, likely feels considerably more embarrassed.

"Hmm, I had a very good night," I give him a bitchy smile.

As he poised to spoon up his cereal, my words caught him off guard, nearly causing him to choke. Instantly, he erupts into laughter, the cackling sound reminiscent of a witch, grating on my nerves. Jenna notices and lightly taps my shoulder, her expression devoid of a smile, her cheeks still flushed with embarrassment. I sense her discomfort, but I couldn't care less; Tyler hadn't experienced the ecstasy she bestowed upon me last night.

"While I was coming home from the club with Tyler, my best friend was getting her pussy eaten!" A voice behind me says 

Hailee's voice sends shivers down my spine. What is she doing here again? Now, it's my turn to feel ashamed. Not just because of her blunt statement, but also because she's aware of my feelings for Jenna. I observe as Hailee strolls into the kitchen, dressed in sweatpants... MY sweatpants. Why was she even at the club with that other guy? And why does she always speak so candidly?

Jenna buries her face in her hands, utterly mortified. I shoot Hailee a piercing glare; she knows perfectly well that I'm head over heels for Jenna, and she shouldn't have said what she did. Hailee chuckles but immediately halts when she catches my glare. Tyler rises from his seat and heads to the living room, with Hailee trailing behind. I'm left alone with my wife. I hope she doesn't feel awkward around me, given that we're still married. That would be peculiar. She lowers her hands from her face and lets out a sigh, her cheeks still flushed, looking utterly adorable.

"Uh, do you, do you want breakfast?" She gazes in my direction, and I respond with a smile.

"Yes, please." She nods and gets up from the table. 

A graceful, enchanting, compassionate, pure-hearted, radiant, celebrated, and exceptional woman. My heart is genuinely fulfilled; Jenna epitomizes perfection. She's my wife, for goodness' sake. I am incredibly blessed, overwhelmingly blessed, abundantly blessed, and supremely blessed.

FORCED MARRIAGE | Jenna Ortega x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now