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I don't understand any of this.. -Y/N

I woke up with difficulty, feeling surprisingly well-rested. Damn, why did I sleep so well? I don't deserve that. What possessed me to kiss Jenna last night? We're both still fully clothed, thank goodness. She looks so peaceful when she sleeps, and undeniably beautiful. My stomach churns with a mixture of unease and butterflies. Jenna's allure is undeniable. I can't quite put it into words, but she captivates me. She's cute, attractive. As she sleeps, her lips are gently sealed, her chest rising and falling rhythmically. Carefully, I slip out of bed, trying not to disturb her. A cold shower seems necessary to shake off this turmoil.

After my shower, I wrap myself in a towel and head to the bedroom to get dressed. Passing by the bed, I notice Jenna engrossed in her phone. She doesn't acknowledge me. Is she ignoring me? I approach her tentatively.

"Good morning," I say, sitting on the edge of the bed.

She glances up, a smile gracing her lips. She's breathtaking. Her disheveled hair frames her face, and her eyes sparkle. My stomach churns again, but she quickly averts her gaze back to her phone, seemingly lost in her own world. Does she realize how beautiful I find her now? Something seems off about her today, and I can't help but wonder if it's because of me. It must be...

"Are you okay?" I inquire.

Without lifting her eyes from her phone, her cheeks flush, and she smiles shyly.

"Yeah, it's just... You, in a towel, it's kinda awkward," she giggles softly.

Damn. Stop being so endearing. Her cheeks flush even brighter. What is she doing to me? Why am I having all these thoughts about her? I inch closer to her, and just as she glances up, I plant a sudden kiss on her lips. I crave that familiar jolt in my stomach, and it's there when our lips meet again. My heart clenches, and I break our brief kiss with a smile. She doesn't return it, her face still flushed. I'm unsettling her, and strangely, I'm starting to enjoy it.

I stand up, grab my clothes, and make my way to the bathroom. What's wrong with me? Ever since I kissed Jenna, I can't shake the desire to taste her lips again. It's like an addictive drug, as if I'm not myself when I'm kissing her. It's consuming me, making my stomach churn and my heart ache. Why now? Why all of a sudden?

I don't want to fall in love with her. But then again, what's wrong with that? After all, we're married. Can't I allow myself to love her? No. I made a promise to myself not to fall in love with her. I can't. I won't. She's the woman I've always feared, and loving her seems utterly impossible.

Exiting the bathroom, I return to Jenna's side. She hasn't moved, still engrossed in her phone. As she looks up at me and locks her phone, her eyes beckon me. I lie down beside her, and her smile grows wider.

"What's going on with you?" She whispered.

I cherished the sound of her voice, gazing into her incredible brown eyes. Her freckles, lips, chin, jawline, forehead—every detail I'd missed. Damn, she was beautiful. Yet, I didn't even know myself, let alone what she might think seeing me like this. I knew Jenna loved me, and just the thought twisted my stomach. Smiling at her, I bit my lip stupidly.

"I really don't know," I replied, matching her whisper.

Her cheeks flushed, and I found it utterly adorable. I was lost in myself. Lost in Jenna. Lost in the turmoil of emotions that her mere presence stirred within me. I couldn't decipher what was happening. I didn't understand Jenna completely, and yet, when I kissed her, it felt like I knew everything about her. It pained me, but I couldn't resist it. Couldn't resist her. Leaning closer, I propped myself on one elbow to meet her eye level.

FORCED MARRIAGE | Jenna Ortega x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now