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3 words, 8 letters. -Y/N

I lie beside her, my stomach against her back, our hands still intertwined. Slowly, I awaken, grappling with the reality of her forgiveness. It feels like an internal triumph, a second chance bestowed upon me that I am determined not to squander. It may sound peculiar, but now I grasp why Jenna must hold significance in my life. We are bound by marriage; she is an integral part of my existence, and I am committed to cherishing her for the duration of our journey together. Nestling my nose in her hair, I inhale her intoxicating scent, the one that sends shivers down my spine and stirs my very core. Reflecting on how I arrived at this juncture, I acknowledge the futility of my earlier resolve to regard her as separate from our marital union. She is my wife, and beyond that, Jenna embodies qualities of kindness, sensitivity, and innocence that demand admiration. How could I not value her? Stirring from her slumber, I withdraw my head from her hair and gently release her hand as she awakens.

- Hmmm...

Jenna pivots, her nose nearly grazing mine. Her eyes remain shut, casting her in an endearing light that stirs something deep within me. In this moment, she resembles a delicate kitten, utterly captivating. As I gently sweep a hand through her hair, releasing it from her face, she unwittingly tightens her hold on my T-shirt, sending a wave of heat through my skin. With effort, she finally opens her eyes.

- Why did you let go of my hand? She says in a hoarse morning voice. 

I offer her a smile, unaware of the impact releasing her hand would have on her. A pang twists in my stomach, yet I find myself unable to suppress the gentle curve of my lips in her direction.

- Excuse me? I rub my nose against hers, and she smiles. 

She exudes an irresistible charm, akin to a cherubic awakening. Unexpectedly, her lips meet mine, sparking a delightful response. The warmth of her lips melds seamlessly with mine, igniting a profound connection. As our breaths mingle, my tongue softly dances with hers, stirring a sensation akin to floating. A fervent heat simmers within me, transforming discomfort into a blissful ache. Our kiss deepens, Jenna leaning in without relinquishing our embrace. I've always maintained that dawn is the optimal time for intimate exchanges...With each passing moment, her kisses grow more fervent, her tongue swirling passionately. Our lips converse, mingling saliva as our breaths intertwine. A gentle tug on her hair elicits a pleasurable moan.

- Ooh, she says between two kisses. 

I deeply value her responses. During our time together in France, I witnessed her display such delicate reactions that brought me immense joy. Jenna possesses both physical and mental sensitivity, which enthralls me. She has already left me in awe, and the more moments we share, the deeper my affection grows. My connection to her has led me to a realization of the intensity of my feelings, a truth I've only recently acknowledged. Jenna holds profound significance in my life, just as I do in hers. I am certain of her love; she declared it on our wedding day, even if influenced by external factors. Those three words and eight letters she uttered then still carry weight in her heart. She shared with me what I least expected to hear from her, and now? It's intriguing how everything has shifted. Jenna also communicates with me through her reactions, like when she asked about Gideon or suspected more than friendship with Hailee. The knowledge that Jenna is attached to me consumes me with passion.

My hand ventures lower, from her hair to her back and beyond. I gently explore her buttocks, feeling their shape, and softly pinch them.

- Oh! Jenna backs away. 

She halted our embrace and retreats. Why? What caused her to pause? Was it my inadvertent touch? Both of us are breathless, which momentarily impedes my ability to articulate. My heavy breathing betrays the dampness clinging to me. Yet, I feel no shame in being drenched for her.

- You, I'm breathing. Is there a problem? She bites her lower lip

Her cheeks boast a rosy hue, a testament to her natural allure. I am captivated by her beauty, feeling a twinge of envy as she emerges, radiant, from slumber.

- It's... complicated. She lowers her eyes. 

Perhaps she's hesitant, yet the telltale signs are unmistakable. Her body language speaks volumes—squirming, legs tensing. It's clear as day. Her cheeks flush crimson, resembling a ripe tomato. Nestled beside me, she appears vulnerable. I straighten against the headboard, offering a subtle grin in response.

- Explain to me. She looks at me embarrassed. 

She's absolutely adorable. The extent of her adorableness is such that it resonates deep within me, almost causing a sweet ache in my stomach.

- I, I've never done it...

It takes me a few moments to fully grasp her words. I find myself replaying them in my mind, each iteration leaving me more bewildered than the last. She's never been intimate with anyone? Is she implying she's a virgin? It seems unfathomable. Someone as alluring as Jenna surely couldn't be inexperienced. It defies belief. Jenna, a virgin? The thought seems incongruous with her magnetic allure.

I stare at her, incredulous. I can't shake the suspicion that she's jesting, but her demeanor betrays no hint of amusement. Instead, she appears visibly uncomfortable, evading my gaze. She is indeed a virgin. It's a revelation that takes me aback. Jenna, at 20, still untouched.

- I know it's shameful, she mumbles. 

Shame? Is she embarrassed by her innocence? Quite the opposite, it reaffirms to me that Jenna is genuinely sincere and pure. She has never engaged in romantic relationships with other women, and it tugs at my heartstrings.

- No, no, there's no shame in that, I whisper. But... I think we should wait, right? I mean, you're not ready, and it hurts, and you...

- Yes. 

I find myself feeling a sense of embarrassment and shame. It's a novel experience for me, as I've never been intimately involved with someone who is a virgin. Yet, upon reflection, I recognize the gravity of the situation, particularly when considering her perspective. Jenna's purity strikes me profoundly. Her innocence contrasts sharply with my own experiences. Strangely, I'm drawn to this aspect of her character. Despite her not meeting my gaze, a smile involuntarily graces my lips at the thought.

- You're going to drive me crazy, you know, I chuckle. 

She gazes at me, a hint of bashfulness in her eyes, yet a smile graces her lips as she draws nearer, never breaking our eye contact. She exudes beauty, and she is my beloved wife.

- You've already driven me crazy. She murmurs.

The timbre of her voice, raspy and feeble, sends shivers cascading down my spine. I've undoubtedly tested Jenna's patience, considering the tumultuous moments I've put her through. Yet, with a tender grace, she places her lips upon mine in a chaste kiss. Her gaze locks with mine, anchoring me in a moment of shared intimacy. A smile graces her lips, mirrored on my own. In the depths of my being, butterflies flutter with an unfamiliar sensation. What does it signify, this enigmatic allure? Perhaps, just perhaps, it's the stirring of affection towards her.

- I'm hungry. She gave me one last kiss on the mouth, stood up, and left the room. 

I'm taken aback. Could it be that I have feelings for Jenna? Do I truly love her? I realize I know so little about her; how could I claim to love her?

My heart explodes every time she looks at me. -J

FORCED MARRIAGE | Jenna Ortega x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now