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Anyone deserves forgiveness. -Y/N

"Hi, sweetheart!" Hailee enters the house as I just arrived home.

How does she know I was supposed to be here at this hour? I give her a huge hug because I did miss her a lot.

"I missed you so much!" I hug her tightly.

I never want to be separated from her like that again. It's horrible to be away from your best friend, especially when they don't want to talk to you due to their phone bills. She loosens herself from my embrace. I know she wants me to tell her everything.

"Now I want you to spill all the tea." She smiles knowingly.

I roll my eyes and head to the living room couch, and we sit down. I proceed to share everything that transpired: from the moment I thought Jenna was flirting with me, to the involvement of Gideon, and the enchanting beauty of Hawaii. I also recount the details of our trip to France, including the shopping escapade with Jenna, the discussion about preferred names for a child, the unexpected kiss between us, our visit to the mall, and the moment Jenna kissed me in response to my distress upon learning about her fans. I briefly mention the night I pleased Jenna orally. Additionally, I describe the incident where I offended Jenna, leading her to leave with Cara, with whom she stayed for the remainder of the trip.

"No offense, my dear, but your trip was a disaster.." she chuckles.

I chuckle. She's right. It was the worst honeymoon ever. All the problems are my fault though. Jenna didn't make any mistakes. I ruined the trip, and guilt starts to eat at me again. I know Jenna is upstairs, in her room. I want to go talk to her, explain everything. But I'm an idiot, and she won't listen to me.

"You should go talk to her." Hailee smiles at me.

It's as if she's reading my thoughts... I'm unsure whether I should heed Hailee's advice because, like me, she has little knowledge about relationships. Even though I'm not currently in a relationship with Jenna, but we're married... it's peculiar. But it's painful not being able to talk to her. She's sensitive, and I realize I need to learn how to communicate with her from now on.

"I don't know... I nervously run my hand through my hair."

"Go on, she gets up from the couch. Anyway, I'm out of here. I stand up and hug her," then she leaves.

I'm alone in the house with Jenna, who isn't speaking to me anymore. Perhaps I should heed Hailee's advice and attempt to engage in conversation with her. If she doesn't respond positively, at least I can say I made an effort.

Summoning my courage, I ascend the stairs, feeling a knot in my stomach tightening. I'm apprehensive that Jenna may not listen or might react angrily, reminiscent of our encounter at the hotel the other day. This time, however, Jenna is sober, and I have a sincere apology to offer.

I knock on the door to her room and cautiously enter. Jenna is reclined on the bed, engrossed in her phone. As she glances up at me, her tranquility transforms into anger. She locks her phone, casting me a gaze filled with disdain. The knot in my stomach intensifies. Despite the discomfort, I approach her and settle on the edge of the bed.


"Why are you here?" My blood freezes.

Her tone is harsh. I feel as though she could annihilate me with just her words, and panic sets in. I recognize that I've hurt Jenna, which is why it's crucial for her to understand that I am sincerely sorry.

"I want to talk to you," I sigh.

She sits up and leans against the headboard, nodding as if to hear what I have to say.

"The other day at the hotel, I didn't mean to offend or hurt you. I said it on impulse, and I don't know why I said that because, truth is, I don't regret it at all. I had a wonderful night with you, Jenna. I keep thinking of that night, of you..." I pause to gather my thoughts. "I'm so sorry. I apologize if I hurt you. I know I'm acting like an idiot." She sighs.

She closes her eyes as if concentrating on her thoughts. I want her to forgive me. I want her to start talking to me again. I miss kissing her and feeling everything inside me explode. I miss Jenna's scent. I miss everything, and I don't know what's happening to me.

"I miss you." I murmur.

She opens her eyes and gazes at me. The once hateful look is gone, replaced by the hazelnut eyes I adore. Her soft, innocent eyes have returned, and my heart tightens as they stir something within me.

"I miss you too." My heart skips a beat.

I miss Jenna, and so does she. Even in our silence, the absence of conversation doesn't diminish the feeling of being missed. I observe the subtle blush on her cheeks, and I can't help but find her utterly endearing. Gently, I approach her bed, remove my shoes, and carefully make my way towards her. Taking a seat beside her, we exchange no words; she simply gazes at me.

"Can I kiss you?" I ask.

I pose this question out of fear that she might distance herself from me. The apprehension lingers, anticipating her directive to vacate the bed and exit the room. My anxiety stems from the uncertainty of whether she has truly accepted my apologies. To my surprise, her response is quite the opposite; she places a hand behind my head and leans in to initiate a kiss. In that moment, my heart tightens, and my stomach experiences a delightful twist, making it the most pleasant sensation I have ever encountered.

Our kiss lacks the intensity of passion; instead, her lips gently caress mine in a tender exchange. The warmth of her breath graces my jaw, her thumb delicately strokes my cheek, and our saliva intertwines harmoniously. As she withdraws, concluding the brief yet profound kiss, her gaze avoids mine. I nestle my head on her shoulder, showering her neck with a few tender kisses. I believe she deserves all the attention because I inadvertently put her throught hell during our honeymoon.

"Shall we sleep?" she asks.

I nod, she lies down, and I take my place beside her. She turns her back to me, and to get closer to her, I put a hand on her stomach. She takes my hand in hers. Our fingers entwine, and the intensity of this newfound sensation stirs a poignant ache within me.

 Mistakes are part of life. -J

FORCED MARRIAGE | Jenna Ortega x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now