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That day has finally come. -Y/N




The rhythmic knocking roused me from my slumber. It was Hailee and Angie's voices. They had arrived! Relief washed over me knowing I wasn't alone anymore. I sprang out of bed and hurried to open the door.

As I swung the door wide, I greeted them with unbridled joy.

"Finally! You lazy bum!"

Hailee exclaimed, enveloping me in a tight hug, followed swiftly by Angie. The warmth of their embrace chased away any lingering sense of solitude. I had so much to share with them, eager to unburden myself once more.

I cherished my friends dearly.

"And to think, in just a few hours, you'll be getting married, girl! Hailee said, a grin spreading across her face.

Oh, right, the wedding. I almost forgot amidst the excitement. In a matter of hours, I'd be tying the knot with Jenna. Correction, I was obligated to marry her. My life was about to take a definitive turn, a fact that seemed to have slipped my mind amidst the flurry of emotions.

"It's already 11 a.m, Y/N. Come have breakfast. We need to head to the hotel near the wedding venue," Angie informed me.

"Jenna has already left with her friends," she added.

"She did ?"

"Yes, she left a note for you in the kitchen. I've already read it. She's gone with her friends to the hotel, and you'll see her at the wedding..." Angie paused. "Oh, and she left pancakes, but Lee has already devoured them."

Typical Hailee, always with the appetite. So, Jenna's friends had paid a visit, and I hadn't even heard them arrive. I couldn't help but wonder about them. Perhaps they were snobby rich kids, although Jenna seemed more like a restrained bourgeois girl. She was different from me, not quite a show-off but not entirely relatable either. She was... well, she was Jenna.

The day I'd dreaded since I was thirteen  was finally here. Despite my attempts to live life to the fullest, to experience everything and try to fall in love countless times, the knowledge of being promised to someone had always loomed over me, hindering any genuine connection.

Marriage. The word still felt foreign on my tongue. No more late-night parties, no more reckless adventures, no more freedom to do as I pleased. No more room for frivolity. It was time to grow up, to embrace responsibility. I couldn't help but glance at my friends, reminiscing about our carefree days. Hailee had always been like a sister, a constant presence in my life. We'd shared countless adventures, even managing to stay close during our three years apart for schooling. Angie entered the picture later, but our bond was instant. They were my confidantes, my partners in crime. Hailee, always up for the wildest schemes, and Angie, the voice of reason. Together, we formed a cohesive trio. The Powerpuff Girls or perhaps the Chipmunks—I wasn't entirely sure.

I'll embark on this journey with Jenna now. Yet, on our wedding day, I come to realize that I don't even know her age, her occupation—nothing except her name.

I've only known her since yesterday, and amidst all this, she appears less disoriented than I am. Damn. I don't even know if I'm prepared for the intricacies of family life, the monotony of routine, the challenges of parenthood, or simply being married and embracing the role of a spouse.

FORCED MARRIAGE | Jenna Ortega x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now