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Her bad mood. -Y/N

Three days have elapsed, yet Jenna's return remains uncertain. Despite my efforts, I've been unable to reach her. It's presently 2:00 pm, and I find myself perched on the steps of our home, nursing my tea. The absence of Jenna weighs heavily upon me, and I fervently hope her journey has been devoid of any complications. The lack of communication exacerbates my unease; not possessing her contact information amplifies the frustration. Throughout this time, her presence has been sorely missed, and the essence of her lingers no more within these walls. Everything feels amiss, incomplete, and the solitude of slumber has grown wearisome. Last night, in the quiet solitude, I found myself consumed by thoughts of Jenna... I even found release whispering her name. It dawns on me that my feelings for her transcend mere physical attraction; I believe I am in love.

Jenna is perfect, and she is my wife. I have the right to kiss her, touch her, and even go further.  But she's a virgin, and that bothers me a bit... Jenna has never been with a woman, and despite liking the idea, it holds me back because I'm afraid of hurting her. I've never been someone's first. My first time was with Cleo when I was 14... It wasn't her first time, and we had to watch several pornos before understanding the actions we should take. It was disastrous, and I hope it won't be the same for Jenna's first time. 

I'm texting Hailee, and thoughts of Jenna flood my mind. I miss her terribly... I wonder how her time went, what she wore, who she spent it with. I hope she had a great time with her friends. She doesn't get to see them often nowadays... As I scroll through my photos, I find solace in the snapshots of Jenna. She is truly stunning. Even through a screen, she captivates me. I've revisited those photos at least sixty times since she's been away, and with each glance, my longing for her intensifies. I yearn to feel her lips against mine. Yet, the thought of discussing my feelings with her fills me with embarrassment. I was already self-conscious with Hailee, but with Jenna, it feels even more daunting. I even watched one of her movies recently. It was quite surreal seeing her on screen. It only served to amplify my longing for her. I believe it was called "Babysitter Queen Bee" or something similar. The movie was decent, I suppose. It was amusing to see Jenna donning heels to match her love interest's height. But my grip tightens on my cup as I recall the kisses she shared with that guy on screen. I know it's just acting, but it's Jenna's face, and despite my rational mind, I struggle to separate reality from fiction, consumed by my own insecurities and jealousy.

I watch as a pristine white limousine glides to a halt before the driveway. Could it be her? Is it Jenna? Remaining seated, I make an effort to appear nonchalant, taking slow sips from my now tepid tea. A surge of anticipation quickens my pulse as I observe a brunette figure stepping out of the car. Who could this be? Is it someone else? Anxiety knots my stomach. The figure turns, revealing itself to be Tyler, Jenna's friend who had attended our wedding.

"Y/N!" He runs towards me. 

I ascend from the steps with a foolish grin spreading across my face. Tyler rushes into my embrace, enveloping me tightly. My gaze shifts briefly to Jenna, who is trailing behind him. She wears an expression of boredom and annoyance. What could have gone wrong? What transpired during this trip?

Tyler relinquishes his hold and strides into the house. I'm left pondering his sudden arrival. Meanwhile, Jenna approaches, her eyes fixed on the ground. Her demeanor suggests dissatisfaction. I had anticipated her bounding towards me upon returning home, wrapping me in a warm embrace, and expressing how much she missed me, vowing never to part again. Yet, she maintains her downward gaze, exuding irritation instead. Dread creeps in; perhaps she's realized I'm undeserving of her, or worse, she's formed an attachment to someone else during these three days. Panic sets in, propelling me towards her. I cradle her face in my hands, impulsively leaning in to kiss her, desperate to convey how much I've missed her, how deeply I care. But she places a gentle hand on my shoulder, halting me. The kiss dissipates, and Jenna emits a weary sigh.

FORCED MARRIAGE | Jenna Ortega x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now