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A nice slut. -Y/N

I swiftly rise from bed, feeling a pang of irritation as Jenna's jests begin to grate on my nerves.

"Stop laughing," I sigh, annoyed. 

She wipes away her tears and stifles her laughter. Caught in the gaze of the woman who carries our future child, there's nothing humorous about the situation. I adore Jenna deeply, but this altered version of her troubles me. I'm uncertain about the changes I see in her, the sudden shift in her demeanor and speech. Typically gentle, reserved, and courteous, my wife has been uncharacteristically profane since last night. I cannot allow her to display this behavior in front of Olivia; it's simply not acceptable.

"Do you know what I like most about this situation?" She calls out from the bed as I step into the dressing room. Slipping into a pair of sleek black Adidas sweatpants and a matching t-shirt, I opt to shield myself from her gaze this time. Striding back towards the bed, I dress in plain view of Jenna. Thankfully, we've moved beyond the need for modesty. Her smile greets me like that of a delighted child, her eyes shimmering even more brightly than usual.

"Can you actually like something in this situation? Can I know what you like the most then?"A soft chuckle escapes her lips, and I can't help but find her utterly adorable. In that moment, my love for her renders me speechless. It's baffling how effortlessly she radiates cuteness, especially in the morning. She's simply perfect.

"The fact that she will never be in my place, that it was between my legs that you were, not hers. She will never be in my place. She's just a big slut, she was checking you out the other day at the adoption agency. She can carry your child, but she will never make love to you; she will never be your wife. She can try again and again to have you, but she can't. In short, what I like the most is that she caught you giving me pleasure that she will never have from you. She saw that you are mine." I gulp. 

Was Olivia checking me out? She was actually flirting with Jenna, not me. Jenna and I have completely different perspectives. She sees herself as lucky to be married to me, while Olivia will never have anything with me. Jenna's transformation since yesterday is undeniable, yet I don't view her in the same light. Surprisingly, her sincerity doesn't faze me; in fact, I appreciate her openness. Even if her thoughts seem odd, I find them endearing.

"She will never have your place, Jenna... Especially since I find her ugly," I chuckle. 

She smiles at me, and within her gaze, I still glimpse the kindness of my Jenna. I yearn for an end to this charade, for her complete forgiveness. Taking my place beside her on our bed, I gently caress her, seeking solace. With a chaste kiss, I gaze into her mesmerizing chocolate eyes, overwhelmed by love. Oh, how I long for my Jenna, the genuine essence of her.

"Where did my nice wife go?" I murmur. She looks away and sighs. She seems annoyed. I have a bad feeling.

"She's gone far, and she will never come back," she avoids my gaze. 

Her words inflict pain upon me. It's agonizing to hear her speak in such a manner. Jenna cannot undergo a complete transformation, especially within the span of a single evening. I yearn for the Jenna I wedded, not the one who belittles me.

"Y/N?"She finally looks at me. 

Her eyes gleam with a captivating beauty, drawing me in with each glance. I find myself falling in love anew every time our gazes meet. With a subtle nod, I signal my attentive presence. Jenna seems softened, less sharp than when she first awoke, yet still bearing the lingering traces of her altered self.

FORCED MARRIAGE | Jenna Ortega x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now