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Let's go slowly. -Y/N

I find myself lounging on the living room couch with Tyler and Jenna. Tyler's nose is buried in his phone, while Jenna's voice fills the room with animated chatter, likely conversing with Maddie. Meanwhile, I'm engrossed in my console game, trying to navigate through a match of Call of Duty. Jenna, ever the lively one, moves about restlessly, shifting positions every thirty seconds as she talks on the phone.

Jenna's mention of her upcoming birthday strikes a chord within me as I focus on the game. It's our first time celebrating her birthday together, and I'm at a loss for what to get her. My mind wanders as I play, pondering potential gifts.

She's got a car, a wardrobe that's probably overflowing, and I'm pretty sure she's already upgraded to the latest iPhone. Jewelry... Maybe a ring could work. She's always had a thing for elegant accessories. Then again, we already have our wedding bands. Glancing at my left hand, I observe the simple gold band, matching Jenna's. It's not flashy, just a symbol of our commitment. But I can't shake the feeling that she deserves something more, perhaps a dazzling diamond ring to match the sparkle in her eyes. Maybe she'd appreciate something like that, something truly special...

Jenna concludes her call and swiftly grabs the controller from my grasp, earning a quizzical look from me. With a mischievous grin, she dangles the controller teasingly in front of me.

"Hey, can I have that back?" I inquire, resigned to her playful antics.

I'm not exactly thrilled about her commandeering my controller, it's starting to irk me. Yeah, I tend to get annoyed easily, so what?

But she just keeps smiling and hops onto my lap, facing away from me with the controller in hand.

"Wanna teach me?" she asks, tilting her head back to look at me.

Her request catches me off guard. I never pictured Jenna playing Call of duty, but her playful vibe is infectious. Despite her weight on me, my knees surprisingly hold up. I run my hands down her arms, savoring the moment, and we intertwine our fingers. Feeling her closed eyes and her smile, I lean in and plant a soft kiss on her warm skin.

"Press start to restart the game," I whisper, "and use your right finger here to shoot on the enemy."

She nods, and suddenly, I'm hyped about teaching her. Even if she's not great at it, her every stumble and giggle just endears her to me more. With her cuddled against me and her scent enveloping me, I'm hooked. There's this pull between us, something unspoken yet strong.

"I, uh, gotta go wash up," she mumbles, reluctantly pulling away from our cozy moment.

I don't want her to leave, but Tyler's right there, so I reluctantly shift my head. Jenna sets the controller down, still leaning back.

Tyler coughs, snapping Jenna to attention. She blushes, nibbling on her lip nervously.

"I, um, gotta go," she stammers before darting out of the room.

Left alone with Tyler, I'm not exactly flustered, but there's this weird tension hanging in the air.

Like a fool, I rise from the couch and make my way upstairs, expecting to find Jenna, likely in the bathroom. The sudden urge to join her and press her against the shower wall catches me off guard. Her earlier teasing still lingers in my mind, leaving me feeling bewildered. Glancing at my phone, I note the date: March 3rd, 00:04. Right, today's Jenna's birthday... As for a gift, perhaps a ring? She's always had a fondness for jewelry. But what kind of ring would she prefer?

FORCED MARRIAGE | Jenna Ortega x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now