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When everything is going well, there will always be something to ruin it all. -Y/N

A week had passed since Jenna and I last shared intimacy. During this time, our relationship had ascended to new levels. While this development should have filled me with nothing but elation, an unsettling apprehension lingered within me. We had become inseparable, a living embodiment of the love binding us together. Each passing moment seemed to mirror the idyllic existence of a devoted couple, a reality we had effortlessly embraced.

Jenna had weathered a significant amount of pain, yet she emerged resilient. Our intimacy had been profound, enveloped in a tangible aura of love that lingered whenever we were together. Tyler had departed with Maddie and Cara earlier that morning, and I couldn't shake the suspicion that Jenna might have divulged our deepening bond to them.

Leaning against the window of my car, the chilly air outside pulling me inward. Jenna was likely inside, either engrossed in one of her recent cello sessions or engaged in a phone call. Lately, she had been diligently preparing for an upcoming gig, mastering the intricacies of the cello. Her boundless talent never failed to swell my heart with pride, reaffirming why I cherished her as my wife.

Suddenly, my phone pierced the silence, jolting me from my reverie. It was the adoption agency on the line, and my heart fluttered with anticipation as I answered. 


"Good morning, Mrs. Y/LN, it's Julia. Are you doing well?"

The news hit me like a ton of bricks. Olivia, the woman carrying our child, was set to move in with us starting tomorrow, a month earlier than expected. The unease settled in my stomach like a heavy stone. I couldn't shake the feeling that Olivia's sudden decision was more than it seemed, that perhaps she had ulterior motives, particularly where Jenna was concerned.

Exiting the car, frustration clouding my thoughts, I made my way into the house. Jenna was in our bedroom, lost in her partitions. Her smile greeted me, momentarily easing my tension. She noticed my mood and wordlessly gestured for me to join her.

Without hesitation, I slipped off my shoes and sat beside her. As our lips met in a brief kiss, I knew I had to share the news with her, to confront the apprehension building inside me.

"Olivia is moving in tomorrow," I said, my voice lacking conviction.

Jenna's furrowed brow betrayed her concern, yet she sighed softly, granting me the refuge to lean my head against her chest. In the steady cadence of her heartbeat, I sought solace. However, beneath this tender moment, my apprehension persisted, casting a shadow over our cocoon of affection.

"It's... it's nothing," Jenna murmured, though her tone belied a deeper understanding of my unease.

'It's nothing.' But it is something. It deeply frustrates me that a stranger, who happens to be carrying our child, is moving in with us despite having her own place. I fear she's only here for Jenna, and I won't allow anyone to touch her except me.

I sigh and recline on the bed, turning away from her. She just can't seem to grasp my apprehension. I'm worried she'll disrupt everything, and I have a gut feeling about this girl.

"Y/N, please," she sighs. "Stop acting like a child."

She's starting to aggravate me as well. Everything is grating on my nerves, and I'm not in the mood to listen to anyone. Tomorrow, this stranger is becoming a part of our household, and it's becoming increasingly irksome. Jenna may be famous, but she's mine alone.

"Go freshen up, please," she says calmly.

Of course, madam is meticulous. She dislikes it when I sleep fully clothed and unwashed. Sometimes, Jenna exhibits childish behaviors, and that too is irritating. I married a woman, not a child. I adore women, not little girls.

Her request grated against my nerves, prompting an involuntary recoil as I struggled to contain my mounting irritation. In that fleeting moment, a sense of losing control enveloped me, and I inadvertently lashed out, my words honed to a sharper edge than intended.

"Can you stop acting like a child?" I snapped, my frustration spilling over. "Can you stop being so annoying, be a woman, and behave like an adult for once?"

Instantly, I regretted my outburst, the hurt in Jenna's eyes piercing through my anger. Guilt washed over me as her response echoed in the silence between us.

"A child?" she whispered, her voice trembling with hurt.

I faltered, my anger dissipating in the face of her vulnerability. Despite my fears, despite my flaws, Jenna deserved better than my thoughtless words. I reached out to her, desperate to bridge the growing chasm between us.

"Jenna, I didn't mean it," I pleaded, my voice softening with sincerity. "You're perfect just the way you are. I love you."

But she withdrew, her tears a silent testament to the wounds I had inflicted. As she uttered her final words, a sense of dread consumed me.

"Go find a woman to sleep with tonight then. I'm going to sleep alone. And I'm leaving for LA tomorrow" she declared, her voice breaking before she left the room, leaving me alone with the weight of my regrets.

In that moment, as the reality of her departure sank in, I realized the depth of my folly. Jenna wasn't just leaving for Los Angeles; she was leaving because I had pushed her away. And as the emptiness enveloped me, I knew that Olivia's impending arrival would only serve as a stark reminder of the love I stood to lose.

It hurts to be insulted by the person you love. -J

FORCED MARRIAGE | Jenna Ortega x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now