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Her body is magnificent. I still can't believe that no one has touched her. I am the first. -Y/N

I stirred awake with difficulty, my senses gradually coming to life. What time was it? I had fallen asleep beside Jenna. The absence of our conversations felt stark, a longing I couldn't shake. Her warmth, her scent, even her soft snores were sorely missed. It hadn't been long since we began sharing a bed, yet now it felt like an essential part of my routine. I cherished the sensation of her body pressed against mine, untouched by anyone else.

Jenna lay beside me, engrossed in her phone, likely still chatting away in her group messages with friends. I couldn't help but wonder if she had already shared details about us, perhaps expressing endearing sentiments to her closest confidants. Leaning closer, she resembled a serene kitten, igniting an irresistible urge within me. Planting gentle kisses along her neck and jawline, I hesitated, unsure if my morning breath would betray me.

A soft "good morning" escaped my lips against her skin, prompting a delighted laugh from her.

"It tickles," she says with her hoarse morning voice. 

I lavish her with even more tender kisses, interspersed with gentle breaths on her neck, eliciting another delightful laugh from her. The sound of her laughter is utterly captivating, stirring a profound warmth within me. Witnessing her in this state of joy is truly enchanting; her adorableness only deepens my affection for her, igniting an overwhelming desire within me.

"Y/NN! Aha Y/N!"  She laughs. 

I tenderly pepper her with small kisses, eliciting delightful squirms from her. However, she gently takes hold of my face, initiating a kiss of her own. Her lips convey a smile, prompting one to bloom on my own. Our kiss is seamless, a fusion of affection. Mindful of my breath, I refrain from intruding with my tongue, opting instead to convey my longing through the movement of our lips alone, reassuring her of my yearning presence.

"It's 2 in the morning," she murmurs, chuckling. 

"2 AM already? Is it late or early? Either way, we probably shouldn't have dozed off in the middle of the afternoon," I remarked, casting a surprised glance at her. "Well, since we're awake now and it's 2 in the morning, what do you suggest we do?"

"What do we do now?" I chuckle. 

She appears embarrassed by my question, evident from the blush creeping onto her cheeks.

"m, I, I don't know. It's, it's night, and Tyler must be sleeping... I don't know..." She avoids my gaze.

Oh, how utterly charming she appears when a blush graces her cheeks and her words falter in embarrassment. There's an endearing quality to her discomfort that simply captivates me. With a mischievous grin, I can't help but prolong her adorable unease, earning an even deeper flush from her. She avoids meeting my gaze, which only adds to her irresistible charm. In moments like these, she's simply too delightful for words.

"We can very well occupy the night," I whisper. 

I nuzzle into her neck, consumed by desire. Thoughts of her consumed me the other night, and now she lies beneath me. Clad in nothing but her underwear, I crave her form. I yearn for her innocence, eager to unveil new sensations to her. With fervent kisses upon her neck, occasionally lingering to suckle her skin, I elicit responses from her as she grows increasingly aroused. Our lips meet in passionate union before I return to her neck, teasing her flesh and igniting pleasure with each tender touch. She writhes beneath me, reveling in the sensations I evoke. The longing for her consumes me entirely, every fiber of my being yearning for her embrace.

"I want you so much," I murmur in her ear. 

She begins to moan with increasing intensity, a sound that stirs something primal within me. It's undeniably arousing. She exudes an irresistible allure. I boldly seize her lips, disregarding any trivial concerns like bad breath. With a languid motion, I introduce my tongue into her mouth, playfully intertwining with hers. Her arms tighten around my neck, urging me to delve deeper into the kiss. Yielding to her silent plea, I deepen the intensity, eliciting even louder moans from her. Each sound she makes fuels my desire, consuming me entirely. Yet, abruptly, Jenna withdraws her arms, pushing against my shoulders as my knee inadvertently grazes her most intimate parts through the fabric. We're both left breathless, a frustrating interruption to the moment. It's evident she's not accustomed to such passion. Her flushed face reflects her embarrassment as she gazes at me, her mouth slightly agape, the rhythm of her breathing captivating me. I find myself fixated on her lips, now swollen and tinted crimson, a sight I've longed for.

"Sorry, I, I'm not used to it... It's embarrassing," she hides her face in her hands. 

I lean in close, gently guiding her hands away from her face, then tenderly press my lips to hers in a gentle kiss.

"Don't be ashamed," I whisper to her. 

She reciprocates with a gentle kiss on my lips. The desire for her intensifies within me, reaching a point where if we don't act within the next five minutes, I'll seek solace in the confines of the bathroom.

"Y/N... I, well. You know, I..." She's embarrassed. 

 "You want to give me pleasure?"  Her face is so red that it looks like she's going to explode, but she nods affirmatively. 

I feel the dampness of my panties intensify. Jenna's intentions are crystal clear: she desires to bestow pleasure upon me, and for her, that entails exploring my body with her touch.

"I want... But I don't know... You know, how to... The gestures and all." I giggle a little because she's adorable, and I lie down next to her.

"Come here first," I say, tapping my chest. 

She takes refuge on my chest. I give her a chaste kiss, and she looks at me, waiting for the next move.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" She's red, but she nods.

"What exactly do you want to do?" I ask, caressing her back.

"Well, give you pleasure... I don't know, whatever you like best maybe," she giggles.

She avoids my gaze, and her innocence is so evident that I fall even more in love.

"What do I like best?" I repeat, raising an eyebrow.

She gives me a little slap on the shoulder and laughs despite her embarrassment.

"Don't make fun of me!" I kiss her because she drives me crazy. I'm going to end up climaxing in my panties if this continues.

"I want to taste you," she says in a breath between two kisses.

- JENNA ! I climax 

Oh, my. Jenna just surprised me with her initiative. Despite her initial shyness, she followed my guidance with every delicate movement. I articulated my desires, and she absorbed every instruction attentively. The experience was extraordinary; I reached climax before her, yet still ensured her satisfaction. Our bodies intertwined, radiating heat and perspiration, manifesting our profound connection. It was an intimate moment, saturated with mutual affection.

Witnessing Jenna revel in such an encounter for the first time fills me with profound joy. I consider it a privilege to share this journey with her, to be the one unveiling such pleasures. She ignites a fervor within me, and I anticipate uncovering more facets of her passion.

Jenna is my wife, and her fidelity is sacred. No one has the right to violate her boundaries. Tomorrow, I will take legal action against Gideon. I will spare no expense in securing justice for what he has done to her. The thought of anyone encroaching upon what is rightfully mine incites a visceral anger within me.

Your taste is awful... But I love it, because it's yours. -J

FORCED MARRIAGE | Jenna Ortega x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now