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Every time my phone rang, I ran to get it, only to fall disappointed. Not too disappointed, as it was Ally, so a rather unusual call, but still disappointed.


"Hi Calum. Would you like to come and eat tonight?"

"I would love to,"

"Great. I will just change my recipe really easily because I can actually handle change thank you, bye,"

I chuckled to myself and put my shoes on, grabbing my car keys to drive round. Axel and that gob of his.

When I got there, I let myself in and took my shoes off, hearing a loud bang in the kitchen. Ash opened the living room door, then Ally shouted for no one to come in, so he turned to me instead and beckoned me into the living room.

"Ax was just telling me that your room looks great,"

"Oh yeah, it is definitely better than it was. Just waiting for a phone call now!"

"We have a busy few weeks ahead,"

"We do indeed. Our Gabi getting married,"

"Why has it taken so long?" Axel asked.

"They wanted to get it perfect,"

"It sounds perfect,"

"With Mad's parents money, I reckon it will be,"

"Mads isn't doing so bad herself, is she?" I smiled, "I know she feels like she has to give all her credit to her parents but that book is bloody amazing,"

"It is. Is your suit ready?"

"Yes. Why does everyone assume my suit isn't ready?"

"Well it is a very particular suit,"

This wedding had been planned to a T. Instead of how her parents had done it all in about a month, Gabi and Maddox had spent three years making sure everything was perfect down to the bunting on the walls and each string on her dress. And, everyone else's dresses.

It was going to be wonderful. Alyssa was actually maid of honour for Gabi, now, and Axel was ring bearer. April was Maddox's maid of honour, and it was all very sweet. Luke was very excited to walk her down the aisle.

"Can someone help me get the plates out?"

"Coming!" I called, "Smells nice,"

She scowled at me and I got the plates out, putting them on the table.

"I didn't mean to upset you, I am sorry,"

"Thank you. I helped do a surgery today,"

"No way! That is amazing,"

"And I got my paycheck,"

"First one!"

"From that job, yeah,"

"Oh yes, I forgot about your art,"

"Lots of people buy it. I bought that waffle maker with it,"

"Very nice,"

She put her wooden spoon down and hugged me, letting out a sigh.

"It is hard being successful and having to cook,"

"Well I think that is a very lucky issue to have!"

"Definitely. I haven't spent any of my money apart from on my waffle maker. I am saving it so I can buy a house one day,"

"Good plan,"

"With Isak,"

"How are things going?"

"Good. We are going to the movies later,"

"That will be fun,"

Gabi had met Isak because she went to the same coffee shop every single day to study for her exams, and he happened to be working there. He was a year older, and none of us were sure how we felt about him. Axel didn't like him, and Ash seemed wary but it was hard to tell what was him being protective and what was genuine dislike. Admittedly, I had a bit of a weird feeling too, but I had met the guy and on the surface he seemed nice. Alyssa always seemed to be getting gifts, but she got really defensive if we ever brought up how we felt.

Rightly so, I supposed, but after seeing what Luke had gone through, I couldn't shake that the feeling in my stomach was so similar. There was nothing physical to prove anything, and Alyssa spoke about him so highly, it was just my gut. However, I was aware that I saw Alyssa as someone who I needed to protect, and that wasn't true anymore. She had a job, a side job, a boyfriend- she was growing up. The best I could do was be there if she ever needed to talk.

"This looks lovely, Ally,"

"I hope you like it,"

"Holy shit,"

"Ax, we are at the table dude,"

"It's just really good,"

"Oh, wow, that is good," I said, "Thank you, again,"

"Oh. I did do a good job actually,"

"You are so good at everything," Axel said, "Makes me mad,"


"You soak things up like a sponge,"

"Shut up and eat your food," she grumbled, "You are smarter than me, I deserve a couple of talents,"

"Sooo, Cal, any news on your next placement?" Ashton asked, giving them both a warning look.

"They said they might have one coming soon, I am gonna need to get them an outfit for the wedding!"

"How will they come?"

"Gabi gave me a plus one just incase. They should not be too much younger than you guys,"

"Oh. Nice. I am excited to be maid of honour,"

"Have you got a speech?"

"Not yet, and I don't know if I am. Gabi says I can decide on the day

"She wants to get it perfect," Ash said, "I am sure anything you write will be great,"


"I bet your dress is pretty,"

"Yeah. Isak said it was too immodest,"

"Well Isak doesn't have a single good thought," Axel muttered.

"Shut up!"

"You loved that dress until he said that,"

"I still love it. I told him to shove his opinion up his own arse,"

Ashton laughed and I raised my eyebrows, clearing my plate. Like I said, not sure we were his biggest fan.

"Well, thank you for the food,"

"Are you staying?"

"I might head back home, I am at work tomorrow, early,"

"Can we come round soon?"

"Of course. Now you have cars you guys can do whatever,"

"Catch up at work tomorrow?"

"Definitely," I said, patting Ashton's back, "See you later,"

I let myself out and drove back home. I had wanted to relax this evening, but I guessed it was better to start late than never. Plus, I would never turn down an invite to be with my family. Even after all these years, it was just as fun.

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