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"What are you doing here? You should both be at home,"

"Is she okay?"

"They're running tests. What the hell did you say to her?!" I hissed, "She is a vulnerable kid and you didn't think to include me?"

I watched Maddox take a step back and drop her shoulders, Gabi already biting her nails.

"Tell me then?"

"We just asked if she wanted us to look after the babies,"

"I told you last week that she doesn't need this right now. Are you two prepared? Mentally?"

"We are fine, Calum," Gabi said.

"I know she has to figure this out, but I really wish you had included me. These are her babies, and I know she isn't keeping them but she loves them a hell of a lot, and that isn't something to take advantage of by showing her a flashy life for them, without thinking of how this affects her,"

"We thought she would like growing up with them," Mads said, her voice trembling, "This wasn't to take advantage. We are ready to be parents and she is looking for some parents, with a good family,"

"Look... I know this wasn't malicious and I know I am being intense right now, I am sorry, I am extremely stressed but, just back off for a day or two. Let me and her talk. You have said your piece, and I will let her know you came,"

"It isn't your choice either,"

"I never said that. I think you had better leave now,"

"Sorry," Gabi mumbled, "We will go,"

Pulling Maddox away, they left, and I took a deep breath and went back to Charlie's room, sitting outside while she was chatting.

I knew they didn't have any bad intentions. I knew they would be amazing parents, and I knew that Charlie would feel extremely settled knowing the kids were going to be provided for. However, they really should not have dumped that idea on her. She was already conflicted about whether she wanted to even write the babies a letter, nevermind watch them grow up.

Understandably, she was feeling all sorts of emotions. She had been set on moving on with life, and now there was the possibility of getting to be involved and obviously that was not anything easy to figure out. This wasn't a decision to rush.

I was probably waiting outside for about 20 minutes, then went back in and immediately sat beside her, giving her a smile.

"How was that?"


"Good. I brought you a teddy, and some comfy pyjamas, and some toiletries,"

"Thank you,"

"Gabi and Maddox came by to check you were okay,"

"I don't even wanna think about it all right now,"

"That is alright,"

I passed her the teddy, then sat holding her hand, her eyes repeatedly drooping shut and flashing open again.

"You can go to sleep honey,"

"But I need to wait for the results,"

"They can tell me, and then I will tell you,"


I kissed her hand, then tucked her in, watching her almost immediately fall asleep. Deciding I needed to get comfy too, I went down and grabbed myself some food, then brought it up to the room and changed into my pyjamas. I ate it on my bed, then read some of my book, my ears pricking up anytime her heart rate changed or the bed made a noise from her moving. It was definitely hard to turn off doctor mode in here.

Admittedly, I was exhausted too, but I wanted to stay up to hear what was happening. I thought it was taking rather a long time, but knew turnover to night shift was not always effective. Eventually, someone did come and see us, but we stepped outside.

"Calum, right?"


"I'm Paula. I'm the lead midwife tonight so I thought I would go through everything with you guys,"

"She's only just got to sleep,"

"Alright. Well, all the tests have come back normal, other than she has high blood pressure. We investigated it, but I genuinely believe it could be down to stress, and having twins. Do you think she seems stressed?"

"I would very much agree with you there,"

"I thought so. Obviously this is a complex situation, but I think we would be most comfortable having her here and monitoring her for a few days, just because of what this can lead to,"

"Do you think I should start considering time off work?"

"Potentially. Twins are born early a lot of the time, you know?" she smiled, "I would like her to have a few more chats with someone while she stays, then continue when she goes home,"

"She isn't gonna like that,"

"Well her babies don't like her stress. I will leave you both to get a good nights rest,"

"Thank you,"

Surprising me, Charlie was awake when I went back into the room. She watched me as I walked to my bed, then I laid and faced her.

"What did they say?"

"They said you are too stressed, and they are going to keep you here for a few days to make sure you and the babies are not too unhappy,"

"I am happy. My babies are sad?"

"Unhappy was the wrong word. Sorry. I meant stressed,"

"I am stressing my babies out?"

"Well, they are inside you! They said you can talk to that doctor a bit more here, and even when we are home,"

"I didn't mean to make them stressed. My babies are stressed before they even know about the world,"

"It is not really your fault," I said quietly, "Is it?"

"I dunno,"

"It isn't. We can control as much as possible, but of course you are going to be stressed. You have been through a lot,"

"I just want them to be okay,"

"Yeah. Me too. The doctors know what they're doing,"

"And we can talk to Gabi and Maddox tomorrow?"

"Potentially. Go to sleep now,"

"I want the answer to be yes,"

"We will see what the doctors say about everything tomorrow,"

"Resolving this situation will make me less stressed,"

"Charlie, we will talk more in the morning,"

She started crying and I took a deep breath, propping myself up on my elbow.

"Fine. But me and you need to talk in the morning and lay out some ground rules to them when we talk,"


"Now go to sleep. Your body needs it,"

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