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"Don't think I didn't notice you slipping off,"

"Ally, I don't wanna hear it,"

"I am gonna be nice to you today. I know today is gonna be hard,"

"I feel like I am failing my babies. I can't even do a canon for them,"

"You aren't failing them. You are keeping them in the best family ever. Let's face it, me, you, and Axel all wish we had grown up in the homes we have right now,"

"I wish so badly I could be the best mum ever,"

"Me and you are gonna do so much fun stuff when they're born. We can go and get mocktails,"

"We can do that now,"

"Or we could save it and do it as something special,"

I laughed a little and she hugged me, stroking my arm. I did love Ally. Once I got to know her, I realised she wasn't a mean girl at all. She was kind of a loser, in a good way, because I was too.

"I think you are really brave. I am sorry about that first time we met, and I hope that hasn't made any of this anxiety. My mum gave me up, but not to a good family. If it was to a good family I would be grateful. I am still grateful a little bit, because I got Axel,"

"Thank you, Ally,"

"Isn't your twin a boy? You made a mini set of you,"


"All three of you are gonna have the best time. I am so happy you joined our family,"

"I am trying so hard to be happy because I am super, super happy for Gabi and Maddox. I am so happy my babies get them, and I am so happy they finally get to have kids... but theres just something. Embarrassment maybe, shame, I dunno,"

"You have nothing to be embarrassed about,"

"You promise?"

"I promise. Here, I made you this card before I came, and this bracelet,"

She pulled a wrinkled card out of her back pocket, a hand painted picture of me and her hugging. Ally was unbelievably talented at many things.

"We have matching best friend bracelets,"

"Thank you,"

"I think you are my sister though,"

"Yeah. Me too," I smiled, "This made me feel better,"

"Oh good. No one usually says that,"

We both turned as we heard the backdoor open, and Maddox appeared, tilting her head. I chewed on my nails as she walked over, and let her hug me. She didn't say anything for a while, just hugged me, then cupped both my cheeks.

"Sorry if this was too much,"

"It's okay. I know this is a big thing for you,"

"We are exchanging gifts, there's some for you. I know this is so incredibly difficult for you, but thank you so much for trusting us,"

"Why do I have gifts?"

"You're the main part of all this!"

"Maddox, I made me and Charlie matching bracelets,"

"Oh cool. You're good at making them!"

She giggled and grabbed my hand, making me follow Maddox back outside. It looked like they had already opened some of their gifts, like a new pram, and another crib. Quite honestly, I just wanted to go home. I hoped the look I gave Calum showed that.

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