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"Knock, knock,"

"Who's there?"


"Cash who?"

"I prefer peanuts,"

I giggled, watching Calum open my door and stand in the frame. How lame. I loved it.

"I made some calls, my good friend is a baby expert and said he can see you tomorrow. How does that sound?"


"Yeah? I think it'll get rid of some anxiety?"

"Yes. Thank you, Calum. No one else has ever cared this much. Thank you for taking me in,"

"Of course,"

"You don't look down at me like everyone else,"

I groaned as I felt myself tearing up again, and hid my face, feeling the bed dip by my feet. He put his hand on my knee and gently rubbed it, waiting for me to recompose myself.

"Hey, I am a doctor, I have seen much crazier stuff than a pregnant 17 year old. It sounds like you have a level head, and you have decided how you are dealing with it!"

I nodded. I was set on giving my baby away to a better life. Yeah, it made me a little sad, but the baby didn't come from love and I wasn't sure I had any love to give it. I just wanted to finish high school, not drag a baby into the mess that was my life.

"My role isn't to judge and criticise you. It is to make sure you are safe, which right now also means making sure baby is safe,"

"I am really scared,"

"I know. I am gonna look after you,"

He took my hand and squeezed it, but I got up and hugged him, burying my head into his shoulder. I had never experienced such kindness from a stranger before.

"It's been a long day, how about you go to sleep?"

"I'll try,"

"Have you figured out where the bathroom is yet?"


"Great. My bedroom is just next door if you need me. Don't worry about waking me up,"

"Okay. This room is so cool. Thank you so much, Calum,"

"No worries," he said, turning his head when the doorbell rang, "Surprise visit! I hope you sleep well,"

"Who is it?"

"Looks like my friend, based on the car,"

"Oh, okay. Goodnight,"

He smiled, and shut my door, so I found my pyjamas and put them on. Really, I was growing out of everything now, but I thought if I asked Calum he might get me some pyjamas and tops. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, then braided my hair so it was curly tomorrow.

As I was getting into bed, Calum knocked on the door again, so I called him in.

"We have been supplied with a pregnancy pillow,"

"They have just saved my life,"

"Here you are,"

"I need to tell them thank you,"

"I am sure you will see them soon. Settle down now,"

"Sorry. Am I being annoying? I don't mean to be,"

"You are not being annoying,"

"Okay. Goodnight,"

I turned my lamp on and he turned out the main light, then I got comfy on the pillow and realised I was gonna have a hella good sleep. I hadn't in ages.

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