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"What time do you call this?!"

"Mega lie in time," I said, "I haven't slept this well my whole life,"

"I am glad you sleep well then. Can I get you anything?"

"Can I eat fried egg?"

"As long as I fry it very well,"

"That, please,"

I sat at the kitchen table, slowly lowering myself onto the floor. I didn't feel the best, a bit dizzy, and very hungry. Calum seemed to notice, as he passed me some water. While he cooked, I stayed silent, then wolfed it down and regret it big time as it gave me heartburn.

It was gonna be one of those days. Everything was gonna go wrong.

"Are you doing okay?"


"Michael gave us something for that. Here, take this,"

"Thank you so much,"

"That's alright. Is there anything you would like to do today?"

"Like what?"

"Go shopping, grab a cake, go to the movies?"

"You mean I can just ask to do that?"

"I can't promise the answer is always yes, but of course you can,"

"Where the fuck have you been my whole life? I would love to do all three, but I feel so shit today. Maybe another time?"


"Thanks. I think I am gonna sit on the sofa for a bit,"

"Would you like company?"

"Yes please. I feel awful,"

"That's no good. Is it just pregnancy or do you think it's something else?"

"Like what? I just feel dizzy and hot and bothered, and achey,"

"Probably just pregnancy,"

"What else could it be?" I asked, feeling my chest tighten, "Are they dying?"

"No... did anyone ever tell you much about being pregnant?"

"No. The family who found out kicked me out, and everyone since has just assumed I know. I just thought everything I felt was about being pregnant,"

"Well, given the all okay yesterday, I would guess it has been. If you are ever unsure you can always ask me,"

"Thank you,"

"All the things Michael gave us should help you feel better. I know you don't like the sound of yoga, but we can go for some walks to make sure you get fresh air everyday,"

"I am good,"

"You need to get out the house a bit, honey. It will help you out,"


"I promise I am not being mean,"

"I know. I am a stay at home person for sure, which is ironic really,"

"You seem sociable to me,"

"Yeah... but at home,"

"Fair enough," he said, "Maybe we could watch a movie?"

"I feel like I keep getting things wrong,"

"You aren't,"

"I don't even know how to keep the babies safe, I haven't been going on walks,"

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