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cw: drugs and abuse

"Well done,"

"I didn't mean to!"

"Have you forgotten how shit it feels to be in a new home?!" Axel said, "She must be so scared,"

"She's just as bad giving her babies away,"

"Alyssa Irwin, we do not shame people for their own choices. You do not know her story," Ashton said sharply.

"I know how shit it feels for your mum to give you up,"

"Ally, she doesn't really have the means to bring up twins, so she wants to give them to a better family, which I think is a really brave decision," I said, "I know you didn't mean to upset her, but when she calms down I expect you to apologise to her,"

"Our family was so nice to use when we came. Why'd you have to do that,"

"Ax, it's okay. I will go and see her. We can all learn from this,"

I left, shutting the living room door, and climbed up the stairs to her. She pushed me away when I got close, so I sat a couple of steps down.

"I am sorry, honey. Ally is a lovely girl, but sometimes she doesn't think... and her mum gave her up which isn't something she has quite healed from yet. Not an excuse, but an explanation,"

"I thought I finally had a family who were different,"

"You do! We all have your backs,"

"No you don't. I think I should probably leave, I think I will go to another home,"

"Please don't,"

"I can't even exist and be pregnant in my own fucking home. I think I should just leave, and make your life much easier. She might as well have called me a slut the way she looked at me,"

"She would never,"

"Fucking bitch,"

"Hey, now, that is my niece still,"

"I don't care. Not my family once I am gone, I hope your next placement is pretty, and not pregnant, and doesn't have a brother in prison, and a mum in rehab, and a dead nanny, and has never done drugs or drank, and hasn't had to make the decision to give their kids up so they don't get wrapped up in this cursed fucking life, and then thinks they found a nice family who might actually care about their feelings but actually they don't, they just ridicule her for another mistake in her life that the whole town is already ridiculing her for,"

"You aren't leaving,"

I whipped my head round as I heard Ally's voice and scowled at her, because I was rather furious.

"I am,"

"No you're not. Calum is a great guy, and... I am sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel judged. I am really sorry,"


"I think you are really cool,"

"No you don't,"

"Yes I do," Ally said, her shoulders dropping, "I'm not a spoilt princess,"

It was true. Charlie probably didn't understand that although Ally was infact very beautiful and perfect, she was still someone who was glued to her dad, and far from the independent beauty queen she looked. Well, she was a lot more independent now, but she would never hurt a fly and I could see it had genuinely confused her that Charlie didn't believe her, because Charlie was exactly the type of person Ally would find cool.

"Please don't leave because of me. I am sorry. I just, I dunno, maybe I did judge but it was wrong and I wanna be your friend,"

"You made me feel shit. The most shit because it came from family,"

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