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Holy shit.

This was the nicest house I had ever stepped foot in. Not that it was hard to get that title, but still.

My bedroom was huge, I had a double bed ?! Pillows. A pink blanket, pink headphones (I had lost mine ages ago) and even some slippers. I doubted I would need slippers in a house so spotless, but I had put them on before we came downstairs.

I hoped I wasn't freaking him out though. I was kind of used to this thing by now, I would go home to my mum, she would go back to rehab, I would go back to someone's random ass house. Sometimes in a random ass town.

It had gotten to the point where I treated it like an adventure because that was all I could do. I hated my mum, my mum hated me, and I was sort of insufferable I guessed. I didn't tend to last long at placements, for some reason. Beats me. Never ran away, never drank, never snook out, never missed curfew (not anymore at least).

I wore all black and was pregnant, and I guessed that was a deterrent. Since it was found out I was pregnant, I wasn't allowed to contact my mum, which was sort of more my mum wasn't allowed to contact me. She went to rehab again anyway. I wasn't interested in her.

I was pregnant from a dumb mistake, and I was gonna give the baby up for adoption because I didn't have anywhere good to raise them. I didn't want them to be in care like me, or ever experience homelessness, or no food, or no dad. I had to say them, by the way, because I didn't know the gender. No one had ever actually taken me to any hospital, and recently I had gone from one home to another in a matter of days so it was impossible to even ask.

I dunno. I guessed if I thought about it, it did make me sad. Couldn't see my mum, no one wanted me in their house, and I was giving up my baby. However, I had also learnt how to handle moving round, and this was a fucking cool place to live for a month. It was like a holiday.

"How was your journey?"

"Oh, literally 20 minutes,"

"Oh! Awesome,"

"Yeah. I haven't been a fan favourite it seems," I laughed, "I think I have been in 7 different homes in this town in the last few months,"

"Oh really? How come?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe my piercings put them off,"

"I think they're badass,"

"Thank you. I did them all myself. I know that is bad and you are a doctor,"

"Looks like you did a good job to me," he said, "I have to admit, I was worried I had been lied to when they told me you loved pink,"

"Oh shit. No, I do love it, I just wear all black incase I need to mourn,"

"Oh right,"

"Kidding. I dunno why, I just like it. Maybe I should try some colour,"

"Maybe," he grinned, "Was everything you need in the basket?"

"Yeah. Definitely won't be needing pads,"

"I suppose not. How are you finding being pregnant?"

"Meh. Just want it to be over yanno? Then I know they will be going to a loving family,"

"You're gonna give them away?"

"Yeah... it's not like anyone else was excited I was having a baby. I wish my mum had given me away," I shrugged, "their life will be much easier, and mine,"

"Well, I am glad you are comfortable in your decision. I think you are really brave,"

"I had no choice. The least they deserves is a nice life, hey, maybe they will get a bedroom as cool as mine is here,"

"Maybe so. You don't know the gender then?"

"No one has taken me to any hospital appointments," I said quietly, watching his head whip round. For a second, I was worried he was mad, but his face showed nothing like that.

"You're kidding,"

"I wish,"

"Oh honey, that is no good. We definitely need to get an appointment so they can check you and your baby are all okay!"

"I haven't stayed anywhere very long so, I dunno,"

"Yeah. Oh bless, I will see what strings I can pull and maybe get us in tomorrow. You have quite the bump already!

"I swear if it is twins I am gonna scream,"

"Well, then I hope not," he said, "How has it been? Moving round houses a lot,"

"I don't really wanna talk about it,"

"Of course. I am sorry,"

"Twins run in my family. I cannot have twins. Then I am gonna have to find a family who wants twins! No one wants twins! And I am gonna give them a double shit life,"

"It is all going to be alright. Deep breaths, baby will get upset,"

"Or babies?!"

"Charlie, deep breaths. I am gonna help you,"

"Sorry. I know nobody wants a pregnant hormonal teenager,"

"Everyone is welcome in my house," he said, rubbing my back, "Even baby twins,"

"Okay," I sniffled, "Sorry, I just freak out about the thought of having to be responsible for this baby. I don't want them moving round like I have to,"

"That is perfectly reasonable. You don't have to be sorry,"


"Here, eat up. I bet it has been a long day,"


"Maybe later we can watch a movie, or you can chill in your room?"

I nodded, taking a bite of the food. Fucking hell. Was there anything this man didn't have? A nice house, amazing cooking, clearly a lot of money.

"This is the best spaghetti bolognese I have ever tasted in my life,"

"Why thank you,"

"Are you some sort of superman? How don't you have a wife? Oh my god, sorry, that was so rude of me,"

"I am married to my job," he chuckled, "On the topic of wives, my niece is getting married this week. Reckon you're up for a wedding?"

"Fuck off, really?"


"I have never been to a wedding. Oh, I should probably brush up on my table manners first. I am sorry. I am such a mess, honestly, I am so flustered right now,"

"It's okay,"

"Oh. Great. I would love to go, who is she marrying?"

"She is called Maddox,"

"Oh cool. My favourite author is called Maddox too. That's so funny, I think she is from this area,"

"Oh really?"

"Yeah. There's rumours the book could be turned into a movie and I am so excited. I have never been to the movies but I hope I can go and see that film,"

"I think we might be talking about the same Maddox,"

"You know her?!"

"She helped me make your bed yesterday," he laughed, "Ohhhh she will love this,"

"How the hell do you know her? Well obviously your niece... your niece is marrying her?!"


"This is a rich fancy wedding then? Oh no, they wont want me there. Oh I can't meet any of your family, I am a mess,"

"They will be happy to meet you,"

"I am a mess," I said, feeling myself tear up, "These hormones,"

"I think you should go to bed after this,"

"Me too,"

"It is going to be a pleasure having you here, though," he smiled, "I hope you feel a bit more settled soon,"

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