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Only a few minutes went by before she said we was ready, so Michael helped her onto the bed and put gloves on.

"Have you ever had an ultrasound before?"


"Okay. I am going to put this gel on, and then use this little machine to see the baby. Is it okay if you get your bump out?"

"Okay. Is it a bad bump?"

"No. It is a very normal bump," he said, "Would you like to know the gender today?"

"Erm, I don't know. I don't want to get attached or anything,"

"Okay. I will turn the screen away then. This might be a bit cold,"

She flinched, and grabbed my hand when he put the gel on, but I gave her a reassuring smile.

"Alright. You lay still for me,"

"What is that noise?"

"That is a heartbeat,"

"Oh. Okay,"

"I see a head, and some feet. All tucked up nice and cosy. Oh...,"

"What? What?"

"There's two heads,"

"No. Noooo, no, no. No!"

"It's okay," I soothed, "Hey, it is okay,"

"No one is gonna want to take twins. I am gonna have to sell them to some twin scientists or something!"

"No one has to sell any babies. Deep breaths, you are freaking them out," Michael said, "Plenty of people adopt twins,"

"I am gonna puke. I am evil. Giving up two babies? I am evil. I am the worst person in the whole entire world to exist,"

"You are not. Just stay still, sweetheart. I am trying to get a good picture of them,"

"Are they both alive?"

"They are. Twin B is a bit smaller, but that usually happens. They have strong heartbeats, and they have a strong mamma,"

Gently, he wiped the gel off and passed her some tissues, giving her a moment to calm down again.

"I don't think I can do this. Fuck. Fuck! I have two humans inside of me,"

"I can assure you, you can do this! Once I have done a few more tests we can run through what to expect, and all the things you need to do to stay healthy,"

"I can't do this. In a month I leave again and no one is gonna care again, and I have to push two humans out of me?!" 

It was definitely a difficult thing to see. She was a kid herself, and clearly very unsupported. She needed a stable living place, at least for the next few months while she got through this and recovered- it wasn't fair. The emotional toll all the moving must have on her was unimaginable, and clearly she had been harassed for being pregnant.

"Charlie, I can't make any promises because it is not my choice in the slightest, but what if I spoke to the social worker and asked if you could stay at my house for a bit longer? Would that make you feel better?"


"Okay. I will call her later on, and see what she thinks. Like I said, I can't promise anything but I can try,"

"Definitely a good idea. However, if not, then we will figure out arranging transport for all your other appointments so you still get all the care you need," Michael said, "Now you're in our system you cannot escape all the nurses. They pester you until they know you are 200% alright,"

"I would quite like the pestering,"

"They are all very lovely,"

"Are you sure there are two of them?"

"Very sure?" he said, holding the ultrasound up, "Baby A and Baby B,"

"Now I feel awful, but I just can't raise babies right now. I know what it is like to have a shitty mum, who doesn't want you. They deserve a mum who does want them, right?"

"Any decision you make is supported,"


"Now, this seems like a bit of a silly test, but I need to use a measuring tape to measure something on your bump, then have a feel of it. Is that okay?"


"Awesome. You are doing so well,"

"No one else has ever touched my bump,"

"No? I think they notice,"

"They're kicking you," she giggled, "I think they must kick each other more than me. I hardly feel it,"

"Maybe so, but trust me, you will feel it soon. Do you remember the date of your last period?"

"Um... no. I took the test about 5 months ago and I remember I definitely hadn't had my period the time I was meant to,"

"Okay, it looks like we are around 6 months area. Do you know who the dad is?"

"Yes. I am not a slut,"

"I wasn't implying that,"

"Sorry. I didn't mean to say that. Everyone at school called me that. He was just a boy at one of my old schools,"

"Okay. Do you know if he had any genetic conditions?"

"I don't know. He was top of the class and did like twelve different sports though so he must be pretty healthy,"

"Sounds it. Do you need the toilet yet?"


"Great. I need a urine sample. There is a bathroom in there,"

She slipped off the bed and went to the bathroom, Michael cleaning up. He gave me a reassuring smile, then took the urine sample from her and put it in a bag.
He took her blood pressure, then took a blood sample which made her feel faint so she laid down for a bit as he explained what would happen next. Some appointments, certain foods, what vitamins we needed and stuff. It was all a bit overwhelming, but I was glad we got it done. I was still shocked no one had even brought her in. Even if she was with me for two days, if I found out I would've taken her.

"You have done really well today. I'm not gonna be your doctor for all of this, a lovely midwife is going to take over next time, but it will all be the same,"


"Do you have any more questions?"

"No. I am just really scared,"

"I know there was a lot of information. These leaflets tell you everything I just said if you want to remind yourself of anything. We are always here if you feel like something isn't quite right,"

"How will I know?"

"You just will, but your babies are very healthy. You need to make sure you get lots of rest, and eat well,"

"That sounds like something we can do!" I said, "Thank you so much for seeing us,"

"Of course. See you both soon,"

As we walked out, she looped arms with me again and I wrapped my arm round her instead, rubbing her shoulder as we walked out the hospital. She nipped to the toilet on the way out, then we got in the car and took a deep breath.

"I am okay,"


"I am glad they are okay. Fucking bitches. Two of them?!"

I chuckled and she sighed, smiling a little bit.

"It was a lot to process. Can you please help me out?"

"Of course I will. What do you think about maybe doing online school? I will go to work, but you might feel a bit better"

"It might be a bit lonely,"

"It's totally up to you!"

"I wanna go to school still,"

"That's fine, just giving you options. Are you up to a bit of shopping?"

"Always. Stupid question,"

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