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"Good morning, time to wake up honey,"

"Five more minutes,"

"I am hopping in the shower. Come on, rise and shine,"

I opened Charlie's curtains and nudged her shoulder again, her arms covering her face.

"I am tired,"

"You will wake up. Go and make yourself some toast,"

I helped her sit up, then left her be and got in the shower. When I got out, I could hear her in her room, so I got dressed and dried my hair with my towel, then made my own way downstairs for breakfast with a coffee,

As I was cleaning up, she came down in her uniform, and sat at the table, her head in her arms.

"I am so tired,"

"When we get in the car you will wake up,"

"I hope,"

"Here is lunch to pack,"

I passed it to her, then went and brushed my teeth, and put my shoes on when I came back down. I packed my own lunch too, then somehow got her out to the car.

She asked me to park down the road, so I did, and watched her walk towards school. Once I knew she was in safely, I drove to work. She didn't seem too annoyed about going, she got out the car and got on with it, but I reckoned that was how she did things.

When I got to work, I put my things in the staff room, laughing to myself as I opened the locker. Gabi had slipped a note inside asking to meet for lunch together after her skills class, so I made a mental note and left for the day.

I visited a couple of patients who had recently had surgery to see how they were getting on, then had to set some up with dialysis; I got called to the emergency room as well, but that didn't last too long.

"Dr Hood. Please can you help me do this catheter?"

I turned round to see an intern and made sure to give them a warm smile, then followed them to the room. I remembered when I had just started out, I hadn't a clue what I wanted to go into. When Gabi got sick it sort of solidified my choice, but the main thing was that my old mentor Richard had welcomed me with open arms. Of course, in an emergency, no mistakes could be made, but in situations like this I remember it had always been nice to be helped rather than hated.

We walked into the exam room and I washed my hands, giving the patient a warm smile too. Pretty much my key to life.

"Hello, I'm Dr Hood. I'm just gonna help put your catheter in if that's okay?"


"Would you like more numbing,"

"I didn't get any,"

"I am really sorry about that! I do these all the time, you're in experienced company," I assured, "Just try and relax,"

Not to big myself up, but I did make it look extremely simple, and it was done before I had even managed to get any good conversation. I cleaned up and let them be, guiding the intern out with me.

"We aren't trying to hurt our patients! We can numb them for most things,"

"I feel awful,"

"Don't dwell on it, just learn from it. They are okay now,"

"Thank you,"

"Wanna join me for a bit?"

"Yes please,"

He followed me round while I saw a couple of patients, then I got him to help me do an ultrasound. It was quite refreshing really, so I was in a good mood when it was lunch.

Gabi was already in the canteen, so I went and found her, sitting opposite her. Most of the time she sat with her friends, but once a week she picked one of us to eat with.

"You look cheerful,"

"I had a good morning,"

"Mine was boring," she grumbled, "You lunch looks good,"

"Yours looks like a bunch of crap you're not meant to put in you,"

"We are due a food shop okay?"

"I don't know how you two are still alive,"

"You said you would cook for us," she whined.

"And I will if you pay me for the ingredients . See if Ally wants the money first, she is amazing at cooking too,"

"Of course she is,"

I grinned and she sulked, picking at her food.

"You can't get all jealous of her! You are about to get married, and have a very nice house, and your dream job. How dare Ally be able to cook,"

"Everyone used to bash my cooking!"

"Yeah. It is shit,"

She kicked my leg, but smiled a bit, scooting round to be sat closer to me.

"How is Charlie then? She seems nice, lots of piercings though,"

"She is very nice, she is going to stay with me for a few months now. Yesterday we got the all okay from Mike,"

"Oh that's good. When is she due?"

"About 3 months. It is hard to tell an exact date,"

"I hope she finds a dress she likes tomorrow,"

"Me too," I said, "Speak of the devil, her school is calling me,"

I answered, sticking my finger in my other ear since the canteen was so loud.


"Is that Mr Hood?"

"It is,"

"Hi. I'm just ringing to inform you that Charlie has gotten really upset, and is in the office right now. She says she isn't feeling too good either,"

"Oh right. Has she had her lunch?"

"She has said she feels too sick,"

"Okay. I think I will come and get her. Thanks,"

I ended the call and felt my stomach drop, closing my lunchbox up.

"Is she okay?"


"Can I help in any way?"

"No. I am sorry lunch is cut short,"

"It's okay. Maybe you can come round to dads later, he is cooking for me and Mads,"

"Maybe. I will see you at some point for sure," I said, kissing the top of her head, "I hope the rest of your day is good. Still makes me very proud to see you in scrubs,"

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