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"Don't go. You could stay for food,"

"My dad will have cooked for me,"

"Axel can come another day,"

"But I want him to stay,"

"I am honoured you enjoyed my presence this much," Axel laughed, "Don't cry,"

"This is just my hormones for real,"

"Alright. I am sure you will be round to see Ally if not me. Thanks for having me!"

"Always a pleasure, Ax. See you,"

Calum shut the door and turned to me, holding his hand out; I took it and we went to the kitchen where he was cooking for us.

"You had a good time?"



"Calum I don't think you are like my uncle. I think you are just Calum. Sorry,"

"That's okay. Don't get upset, honey,"

"I am sorry,"

"What for?"

"You treat me so well and I just call you Calum,"

"That's who I am, isn't it?"

"Okay... and I know they are your family but they aren't mine yet,"


"I am really sorry,"

"You have nothing to be sorry for. I got ahead of myself calling them your family, I am just so used to it!"

"I feel like I have been such a bad guest. I haven't thanked you enough, you have given me such a good room,"

"You aren't a guest. This can be your home,"

"Do you really mean I can stay? Sorry I have asked so many times. Axel said it was hard for him too. Axel said a lot of things I understand,"

"You can stay. I will remind you of that as much as I need to,"

"Most people are annoyed of me by now,"

"I will never understand that," he said, getting two plates out, "If talking to Axel helped, maybe talking to someone professional will help,"

"I dunno,"

"Or maybe you could start off with something a bit different. There is such thing as art therapy too,"

"What is that?"

"You'll be with a group, and make something creative, and sometimes it can help you express how you feel. It also might just make you feel a bit more comfortable talking about things, even hearing other people talk,"

"That really exists?"

"Yeah. The hospital run it!"

"Okay then,"


I nodded, taking the plate from him. He sat opposite and we started to eat, which was really nice apart from my heartburn. I took some medicine, then we sat on the sofa for a bit until I felt better, then I got ready for bed. My laptop had come while Axel was here, so Calum showed me how it all worked before I slept.
Knowing I didn't have to go to school in the morning felt really nice.

Instead of the normal early morning, Calum woke me up just before he left with some breakfast. Then, he was out the door. I couldn't believe he had let me stay here alone, I didn't know he trusted me so much. All I was gonna do was stick to my own room really, but I felt very acknowledged, I supposed. He saw me as responsible, which given my pregnancy, was not something people usually saw me as.

After I had freshened up, I got on with my work, submitting it after each lesson. The lunch Calum made me was really nice, and I finished early so I decided to watch a movie. I hadn't realised Calum worked quite so late, so I was waiting for him to come home for quite a while, and felt weirdly happy when he turned up.

I made my way downstairs and met him by the front door, his face lighting up.


"I have been waiting ages,"

"Sorry! How are you feeling?"


"Awesome. I will start on our food. How was school?"

"Way better online,"

"I am glad,"

"Did you have a good day at work?"

"I did. I had lunch with Michael,"

"Cool. I did all my work early and watched a movie. It was nice to be comfy. I feel much less tired than when I went to school. My babies are happier they get the quiet I think,"

He gave me a smile, so I sat at the table and watched him cook. Hopefully I could learn soon. It would be much easier for him if I cooked for us but it would never taste so good and I felt a bit selfish, so maybe I wouldn't learn just yet. While it was a silly thing, I was extremely grateful he could cook. Some of the homes I went to made awful food. It made me feel sick. Not from food poisoning or anything, it just smelt really bad.

While we ate, I asked more about his day; he seemed to like talking about it and I didn't mind listening. I was glad he had a job that made him happy. That was definitely a goal of mine.

"Do you fancy an evening walk?"

"Not today,"

"Okie dokie,"

"My bump feels so heavy. I feel so different since I came,"

"I expect that your babies are growing, and extra appreciating all the vitamins and rest,"

"Do you think?"


"I hope they grow a lot. I read they might be born premature,"

"That is true,"

"What if we haven't found someone when they are born?"

"It is all gonna work out,"

"Okay. Thank you,"

"Why don't we play mario kart?"

"I would like that,"

We spent our evening like that, then I got ready for bed, reading my book for a bit. Calum said he was coming home early tomorrow to take me to the dentist, so I was happy when I went to bed. Living here was really nice, even with all my other anxiety. Knowing Calum had listened to me and let me do online school, and tried to make me feel better really meant a lot.

Even though sleeping was getting harder some nights, I wasn't sure getting a good nights sleep was a fluke anymore. It was just the kind of sleep I got in this house.

In fact, most things I thought were amazing when I came (and still do think) appeared to be the norm, and that was still crazy to me.

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