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"Happy birthday!"

"Axel, dad told us not to be too intense," Ally snapped, pulling him off me as he hugged me, "Also, I get to hug her first,"

Ally hugged me, then Axel hugged me again, both of them sitting either side of me. Ashton gave me a smile, but sat with Calum. They were first here which I liked.

"Dad, where are her gifts?" Ally asked.

"We will bring them in later,"




"Later. Watch your attitude,"

"I didn't have attitude!"

"Hello, hello!"

Luke and Sierra walked in next, both of them coming to give me a hug. Ally gave her dad a glare, then put her arms round Luke's neck, making him pick her up for a hug.

"I love you, fake dad,"

"What's your dad done?"

"Won't let us give Charlie her presents,"

"Let's just wait until everyone has settled, you know getting gifts can be overwhelming. Have you had a nice day, Charlie?"

"Yeah. We got dressed up and went out for food,"

"Oh lovely!"

"Show me the dress," Sierra said, sitting beside Ally as Luke took my gift to the kitchen. I showed her a photo Calum had taken and she loved it, but then Ally was still in a sulk so she got distracted.

Instead, I leant into Axel and let him play with my hair, keeping my eyes shut. While I loved them, hanging out with everyone was not easy, and I knew when I was with Axel I was going to be understood, so the world turned a little quieter even in the chaos. I wished I had always had an Axel like Ally had, and I did wonder what my brother was doing today. Probably just sitting in his cell or something.
Or perhaps he was out of prison now. I had lost count, for his sentence kept getting extended. Either way we weren't in contact so I would never now.

Michael and Crystal arrived, and joined the others on the sofa without fussing over me, then finally Gabi and Maddox came. I wasn't sure how to feel, so I didn't move towards them, I probably moved away and pressed myself further into Axel. Everyone else greeted them, but they sat with Michael.

Once the pizza was ordered, everyone got into conversation, but I stayed resting on Axel's chest, his arm round my side. Part of me felt a bit sad the babies were missing out, and the rest of me was a bit sad about how Maddox had shut me out earlier.



"I am sorry about earlier," she said, sitting beside Axel, "I could tell you all these excuse but it was wrong, and I am sorry. We both want the same things for the babies and I don't want you feeling like you can't be with them,"


"You are so important to them, and us,"

"It was a bit snappy,"

"I am really sorry. Maybe another day we can go together and cuddle them,"


I knew I would feel okay soon, but right now I was still a bit upset, so I went back to my eyes shut until the pizza came. There was shit tons of it, like, 15 boxes, and everyone dove in. Thankfully, Ax made sure I got plenty of my favourite, and I sat listening to everyone as I ate it. Having so much company was definitely really nice, but I felt like observing today.

Ally seemed to get a little jealous I was cuddling Ax so much, so she sat the other side of him and copied me, but he didn't care. I think he liked being a twin, and now he got to be an older brother too. It wouldn't surprise me if he had about 10 kids either- he was very caring in nature and I was very grateful to know him.

Eventually, he moved to play some video games, so I went to the kitchen with Ally to escape the noise; Ashton came too, and got us both glasses of water.

"How are you two?"


"Good. Just watching," I said, "I haven't had this before. You all came to celebrate me?"

"We did!"

"I think I like having a family,"

"It's the best huh!"

"I can't wait until I can actually do stuff again,"

"As long as you take it slow and steady, I am sure you will heal perfectly. We can't wait either,"

"Hey, are you okay?"

Calum came into the kitchen and brought me into a hug, kissing the top of my head and couple of times.

"Shall we do the cake?"

"What cake?"

"Sierra made one,"

"Sierra made a cake?!" Ally gasped, "We should do the cake now,"

He unboxed a huge colourful cake, and called everyone through; he lit the candles, then a huge sparkler which made Ally and Axel jump. Everyone sang to me, and I blew the candles out, smiling.

I was so grateful. I felt so lucky. After a lifetime of badluck, I finally found where I was meant to be.

"Make a wish!"

I shut my eyes tightly and smiled. Making my wish was easy.

My wish was to have this family forever.

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