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"Calum, the dress will be ready on Saturday. Are you free to go and get it? I have paid,"

"Of course. Did you guys have fun?"

I nodded, my mouth round a straw, and cake in my hand. 

"I got her a new copy of the book since she lost it, and the dress is just darling. We have had lots of fun,"

"Yeah. I think Mads is my new best friend,"

"That is lovely to hear. Thank you so much for taking her,"

"I will probably see you at the wedding," she said, giving me a hug, "I can't wait,"

"Me neither," Calum said, also hugging her.

As she left, I waved, then followed Calum into the house and put the cake in the kitchen. I sat at the table, and he sat next to me, gently rubbing my back.

"How are you doing?"

"They are kicking,"



"Are you sure?"

"Yeah," I said, grabbing his hand, "Can you feel?"

"Oh yeah,"

"I think they had a good day,"

"They like the dress huh?"

"They like this drink,"

"Bet they'd like the cake,"

"I don't wanna eat it. I haven't had cake in ages!"

"Eat it, we can get you more cake,"

He pushed it towards me and I got it out the packaging, then got up and grabbed a knife to share it.

"Oh don't worry about that,"

"I wanna share,"

"Just a little bit then. It is your cake,"

I cut him half of it and took my part, sliding it over to him.

"Thank you,"

"I had a really good time. Maddox was so kind to me,"

"I am really glad. Have you eaten?"

"Yeah. I think I am gonna head to bed soon,"

"Would you like me to run you a bath?"

"No thanks,"


"Maybe tomorrow. I think I am too scared to shower anymore, I don't wanna slip,"

"That's okay. Mario kart?"

"I am gonna go to bed,"

"Alright. I will come and tuck you in when you're ready,"

I took myself upstairs and changed into my pyjamas, then brushed my teeth and got into bed, calling Calum up. He came and tucked the duvet up to my chin, then blew me a kiss.


"You okay?"

"It's just about my nanny... I miss her,"

"She would be so proud of you,"

"She wouldn't. She would hate my piercings, and my hair, and that I am being homeschool... but that's why I miss her. I always did stuff that she was hated and she still loved me,"

"You are definitely making her proud," he said, "I am proud of you,"

"For real?"

"Yeah. You have done such a good job with meeting people, and the appointment,"

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