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"Oh I am glad to be seeing you today,"

"Not many of my patients say that,"

"Well, I had to proper argue with my doctor for a referral,"

"That's not good. Have a seat, I am Dr Hood,"


"What seems to be the problem?" I asked, sitting down.

"Well, I keep having this back pain, and headaches, and well... well I find it difficult to go to the toilet now. I have had kidney stones before but this is different. I feel like I am going crazy!"

"You're not going crazy, I promise. Had there ever been blood in your urine?"

"Yeah. That is what made me book my gp appointment but he just said it was all my period,"

"Hm. Doesn't sound like it to me. Do you mind if I take your blood pressure?"


Carefully, I took it, noting it down. Unfortunately, I found it quite common that I had a consultation and they had been written off with something else- usually something stupid to have been told.

"Is it okay if I press your stomach and round the sides?"

"Yeah," she said, laying down, "It has been awful laying down trying to sleep,"

"I am sorry to hear that. Can you let me know if any of this hurts?"


"Okay. There is definitely something going on! There could be a couple of different things, so I am gonna order you a blood test and an ultrasound to get a better look. A urine sample too, if you can. A nurse will call you from the waiting room,"

"Perfect. Thank you so much for seeing me,"

"Of course, I should have the results soon,"

She shook my hand and left, so I cleaned up; it was always good to have a positive start to the day. It made the rest a lot easier, especially after waking up so early.
There were a few more consults, then I did rounds, and wrote up my notes. At lunch, Ashton came and found me, also dragging me round to find Luke and Michael.

"Sorry about those two yesterday, they're always bickering,"

"It's alright. They're still teenagers technically,"

"Yeah. I really don't know how to feel about Isak but she seems happy, and she is stubborn, I can't tell her to break up," 

"I am sure if something was ever really wrong she would tell us, but he does sound like a douche. Luke!"

"Oh hey,"


"Yep. How's your day been?"


"Same, I have surgery in an hour. Think the kids are gonna be on their own tonight, although pretty sure Ax is studying and Ally is out with Isak,"

"Look at them being all sociable,"

"I know, I rather like it. It's a shame their old friends all moved away really,"

"They will reconnect, Gabi's whole group are coming to the wedding!"

"That will be lovely. Even Julian?"

"Oh yes, they are flying him out,"


"I think I spoilt my daughter a little too much," he laughed, "Where is Mike?"

"No clue, we couldn't find him,"

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