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"I really want cookies," Sierra said, "Ally, you make good ones,"

"I can't be bothered,"

"Awh come on. I know Charlie would love them,"

"Charlie can help me then,"

"No she cannot," Sierra laughed, "She has just had major surgery. I will help,"

"No, Crystal can help me,"

"I don't care, I just want cookies,"

"Me too," I said, "Only if you want to,"

"I will. Isak used to tell me they were trash so maybe you will make me wanna make cookies again,"

"They are definitely not trash," Sierra said, cuddling me into her side, "We will be waiting,"

I watched them leave the room, and then my eyes fell back to the tv- I was sure they would go square soon.

"I feel a bit rude for that,"

"She keeps refusing to do stuff because Isak said she was shit at it. We need to encourage her again,"

"Oh. Okay," I said, "Men suck,"

"They can do!"

"And girls. A lot of people suck. I am glad you guys don't,"

"I am glad too. How are you doing? Do you need any medicine getting?"

"I think in half an hour,"

"Okie dokie. Do you need anything else?"

"I don't think so. Just Calum,"

"I bet they will come home just as the cookies are ready,"

Nodding, I rested on her side and carried on watching tv, the sounds of Ally clattering away in the background. The pain levels were a bit better this morning again, but I still felt just as emotional. I was glad Calum got time with his friend, but selfishly, I wanted him home to look after me.

Ally came back through and sat next to me, then the smell of cookies wafted through the house, and the front door opened.

"Told you,"


"It smells nice in here!"

"Uncle Michael, Uncle Calum, I made cookies and I really hope you think they taste good,"

"I am sure they are delicious," Michael said, accepting her hug, which was more of a latch onto him as he walked in. I thought Ally was the chill one, and Axel was the clingy one, but I guessed Ally could be too. If she had been told all those things by Isak, I bet she was nervous. I would say her cookies were good even if they tasted like dog shit.

"Me too. Mind if I pinch your seat?" dad...Calum asked.

"Can't we just squidge on?"

"Not really,"

"Take mine," Sierra said, moving so Calum could sit down, "I think we are heading off soon, Ally,"

"But I wanna stay with Charlie,"

"You can see her another day. Luke will be waiting for us!"

"Where are you going?"

"Shopping. Can you come?"

"Charlie needs to rest," Calum said, "And I am pretty sure this is meant to be an auntie- uncle date for you!"

"They wouldn't mind,"

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