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"Me and Charlie have had so much fun,"

"That's really good to hear, pumpkin,"

"I was just telling her how all my friends moved away, and now I have no boyfriend, I have felt a bit lonely but I enjoy being with her,"

"Well, Charlie, you are always welcome round," Ashton said, "If the door is unlocked, come in,"

"Oh. Thank you,"

Calum gave Ally a hug, then I stood at the door and waved at them driving away. I felt a bit upset for Ally when she told me everything. Even though her friends were still her friends, and she did say she liked the people at work, I felt sorry for her.

I turned back round to Calum and he gave me a smile, then let me hug him.

"Peace and quiet,"

I didn't reply, just carried on hugging him, so he tucked my hair back and felt my cheek, making me roll my eyes.

"I am fine,"

"Why don't you go and chill in your bed, and I will bring up the gifts to put away,"

"Can we play mario kart?"

"Definitely. Would you like some lunch first?"

I nodded, and let go, making my way upstairs. Ally and I had made my room a bit of a mess, so I kicked everything to the corner and sat on my bed, taking my plate from Calum when he came. He sat cross legged beside me and smiled, because he always smiled.

Lunch was nice, and I got a little tired, but pushed through to play mario kart- it definitely felt like one of the best ways I connected with Calum. It made me comfortable, and I ended up with my head on his shoulder.

"Do you need a nap?"


"I think so,"

"Can I ask you about something?" I said quietly.


"Apparently I have been calling you dad. Is that true?"

"You have a couple of times,"

"Oh right. Okay. I have never called anyone dad before, that's a bit funny. I wonder why my brain did that. That is so weird,"

"I quite liked it,"


"But that doesn't mean you have to say it. It is okay to call me whatever feels most comfortable... perhaps because you are stayed you started to relax!"

"I haven't had a dad before,"

"Maybe it will be fun,"

"I need to think a bit,"

"That is okay. You definitely need a nap, honey,"

"Can you stay?"

He pulled the duvet over us both and laid down, letting me rest on his chest. As I shut my eyes, I thought a little bit. I felt warm, and safe, and I was happy my nanny brought me here. I wondered if he was meant to be my dad. With my eyes still shut, I crossed my fingers and thought that perhaps if Calum was supposed to be my dad, my nanny would send me a sign. I would just know when I saw it.

I slept rather well with Calum near. Everything with the party had stressed me out, and even though being loved was a good thing, I hadn't expected people to get me gifts or celebrate me. It was nice to be back with the first person I knew in this family, and be reminded how simple love was. It wasn't gifts or parties, it was feeling safe. At least it was for me.

When I woke up, he went to the bathroom, then came back in with my gift bag. I rolled my eyes, and he put his finger out at me, piling some unopened gifts infront of me.

"These are from Ash and Axel,"

"I don't want any gifts. They are making me upset,"

"Oh. Sorry... I don't think these are related to the babies,"

"It's because I am having babies. I don't want them,"

"Okay," he said quietly, "Maybe another time. I think everyone was only trying to include you,"

"I bet they all talk about me all the time,"

"No more than anyone else,"

"They're all just excited to get my babies, then everyone is gonna ditch me,"

"They absolutely won't. Everyone adores you, and rightfully so. It is normal to struggle with a new family, and it takes a lot of time, but they all think you are lovely,"

"But they do want my babies more than me, because they're gonna be real family,"

"Hey, Ally has made you her sister now. She gets very protective over titles like that, you are real family to her, and all of us,"


"At least open one gift, it might cheer you up. It'll be something nice,"

He chose one and passed it to me, so I ripped the paper open and pulled out a fancy perfume. Suddenly, I felt a wave of emotion over me, and I wasn't sure why. I smelt the perfume, and looked at it for a bit- it smelt nice. Calum had a smell too, and he liked it.

"What's that called?"

"Daisy love," I said, getting a weird feeling again. I tried to ignore it because I did kind of like getting a nice gift.

"Very nice,"

"I guess I can open the rest,"

They had got me some really nice things, like new daisy bedding, new daisy jewellery, some hair stuff, and a light up vanity mirror. I had never received so much in my life, so I was extremely grateful, even though I still felt a little bit weird about the circumstance. I felt a bit weird only Ally seemed to understand how I felt, given the backlash she gave me at the start. Her card and bracelet were something personal, and comforting.

Like I said, I was not unhappy with my decision, but of course this was not my best case scenario in life. Of course if I felt like I could, I would have kept them. I loved kids and I couldn't wait to have them when I was ready. All this didn't help with my stress.

"Why don't I run you a bath?"


"You have a scan tomorrow,"

"Tomorrow," I mumbled, lying down, "Can I have some alone time, please?"

"Yeah. Is everything okay?"

I nodded, so he tucked me under my blanket and kissed the top of my head, because I probably wasn't very convincing.

"I love you. I will make some nice food later,"

"Thank you,"

"You just rest up. You have the best excuse afterall,"

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