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4 months later

"New best time!"


"Yeah. You should definitely join track at school, I loved it," Axel said passing me the water he had just drank from, "I'm glad someone in the family likes running too,"

"Doesn't your dad?"

"He tolerates it,"

I giggled and passed him the water back, walking next to him as we left the park we had been running in. As soon as it was safe to, I had started doing it. I much preferred having healthy coping mechanisms.

I was never going back to my life pre-babies.

Life was cool now. It had been summer, so Calum went back to work, and I got to hang out with Axel, and my other cousins if they had time off. It took about a month for me to feel a bit more normal again post-surgery, and ever since then I had been doing my best to get ready for school. Summer was timed well to give me a rest.

I had changed a bit. My body definitely was not bouncing back after having twins, but it was crazy how the people around you could make you love yourself more than you ever did before. I had taken my piercings out to heal over and get done properly at some point. Calum took me to the hairdressers and my hair was now dark red, instead of black. I was almost the same as before, but all shiny and new. He was even paying for me to have Invisalign. It was cool. I wasn't vain or anything, but I enjoyed feeling happy in myself.

Therapy definitely helped too. I mean, I got Invisalign because I was smiling a shit ton more. I never thought I would be smiling so much. I would have smile lines by 20. Calum was the best thing to have ever happened to me.

"This will be you soon,"

"Driving? I am not sure. Calum fears for his life everytime I am in the front seat,"

"I believe in you,"

"Thanks," I giggled, "I need to shower quickly,"

"Oh yeah, the babies are coming home. Cute,"

"They're so big now. Well, they feel big, they still fit in newborn clothing,"

"So they're tiny,"

"But bigger than before. I am so excited for them to grow up,"

"Don't wish it away,"

"I suppose not,"

He dropped me off at home and I let myself in, Calum shouting hi. I said it back, then ran upstairs to shower, changing into comfy clothes after.

"Did you have a good time?" he asked, appearing at my door.


"Awesome, here is lunch. Apparently they're just leaving the hospital, so the twins should be settled in when we go,"

"Okay. I haven't seen their room yet,"

"That's exciting!"

"Yeah. I am excited,"

He ate lunch with me, then we got our shoes on and got into the car. Nothing much had changed with Calum, other than I was more fond of him each day. I was eternally grateful. No longer was I without anything I needed, and I was learning more about myself and what I enjoyed doing. Also, I finally believed I was actually staying, which had been hard for me.

When we got to Gabi's house, I took a moment outside to myself. The situation was still not how I had pictured life, and was far from the ideal I always had in my mind, but it had all happened and worked out in the best way it possibly could. Over the last few months, I had been able to bond with the babies, and I knew we would always have a special bond. I wasn't their mum, but I was definitely someone special in their life and I was always going to love them.

I let myself into the house and Gabi greeted me, running over to hug me; then, she took me upstairs to the nursery, which was beautiful. It was white, with a huge mural of wildflowers on one of the walls. The skirting boards were painted a deep green, and the cribs matched too. The rest of the furniture was dark wood, and there were books, and toys, and a nappy station. All of it was perfect.

Calum was holding Alexander, so Maddox passed me Amelie and I kissed her forehead, appreciating being able to carry her since I couldn't for a while. She was beautiful. Strong, and brave, and beautiful.

I had a few baby photos, and she was my identical twin. I hoped she was happier, and smarter, and I knew she would make us all proud. So would Alexander, who looked just like me too.

Seeing them in their home, with such loving parents, gave me the closure I had needed since I found out I was pregnant. Over the last few months, I had begun my own journey, but I could now safely say it was time to work on myself. It was time for me to let all the love and support comedown on me the same way it was going to on them.

We were in this together. A little team, with a lot of cheerleaders.

the end : )

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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