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"It smells amazing,"

"Doesn't it? You did a good job,"

"Can I have one?"

"Go ahead,"

Charlie picked up a warm cookie and bit into it with a smile, giggling a little. Her eyes didn't light up with it, but it was at least a giggle. I had one too, and they were really nice. I think she had rather enjoyed a bit of baking.

"Calum, how come you are such a good cook?"

"My mum taught me before I moved out. She said even if there was one thing she would ever teach me, she would always choose cooking,"

"That's nice,"

"I definitely enjoy it. Do you have anything you feel good at?"

"Probably not,"

"At school?"

"Just English,"

"That is a very cool talent to have,"

She shrugged, and grabbed another cookie, looking up at the photo frame full of family. Often, I caught her doing it. Whether she was just staring aimlessly, or actually looking, I never knew, but it was interrupted by my doorbell ringing.

Charlie rolled her eyes, then put her head on the table, so I got the message and shut the kitchen door behind me. To my surprise, Maddox was the one knocking.

"Are you okay?"


"Now isn't really a good time,"

"Oh. Okay,"

"Sorry. She's had a bit of a long day," I said, stepping out the front door and closing it, "Very anxious at her scan,"

"Are the babies okay?"

"They're perfect,"

"Good... good. Does she have a family lined up?"

"No," I said, tilting my head, "I think she is going to do that with me, and I am not sure if she would like some distance from them,"


"How are you and Gabi?"

"A bit better,"


"I'll go then," she said quietly, "I wasn't gonna put ideas in her head,"

"I know. Today is just not the day... maybe we can have that conversation together another day,"


"Do you think you and Gabi could really handle twins right now?"


"Mkay. See you soon, love you lots,"

She gave me a hug, then I waved her off and went back inside, gently scratching Charlie's head as I walked back into the kitchen.

"They're gone,"

"Thank you,"

"Go and have a nap,"

"Please can you sit with me?"

Agreeing, I followed her upstairs and helped her get comfy on the bed, then gently rubbed her back as she tried to get to sleep. After about twenty minutes of no luck, the exhausted tears started to come out, so I laid down and hugged her, trying my best to calm her down. Having a bad day was hard enough. Having a bad day with kicking babies was even harder.

When the crying didn't stop, I presumed it was more than not being able to sleep, so I sat back up and gently rubbed her shoulder.

"What's up, honey?"

"I dunno,"

"Do you reckon you could try and think? I am sure I could help then,"

"I'm scared to have a baby,"

"Okay. Would you like to talk about it with me?"

She nodded, and sat up, then put her hand on her head and laid back down. I got her some water, then kept my hand on her shoulder.

"I can't sit here and say it is gonna be easy. It isn't a predictable thing, however, all of the staff are trained for any possible situation. You will be safe, I promise,"

"It is gonna hurt loads,"

"As long as we get to hospital on time, you will be able to have an epidural which will make things a lot better. Epidurals suck, but you will probably be grateful for it,"

"Everything about it sucks,"

"Well I am gonna be by your side the whole time,"

"You promise?"

"I promise. I will not let you go through this on your own,"

"I hope they aren't mad at me when they're grown up. I love them so much,"

"I know you do... can I ask you a question?"


"Does staying here change how you feel at all? Because, I would help you out with them if you did want to look after them. I just want to make sure that you know I am here to support any decision,"

"I don't want to,"


"But thank you. You are very kind,"

I had been worried that a certain idea had been pushed down her throat, and knew that she hadn't wanted to subject them to what she had experienced. However, I genuinely believed from the bottom of my heart that this is what she felt most comfortable with and that was okay, I had just wanted to make sure.

Particularly as I had a feeling Gabi and Maddox wanted to have a conversation with her, and I didn't want Charlie to feel trapped into anything.

"I feel so sorry for them. I know how it feels for your mum to not want to keep you but I hope they know it isn't malicious,"

"Maybe you could write them a little letter, or keep some photos of your bump and them as newborns for them to have,"


"You are doing what you think is best for them, and for you. I reckon they'll make their birth easy,"

"You think?"

"They have been taken care of very well,"

She smiled and rested on my side, and within minutes, she had fallen asleep. It was hard to remember sometimes how much a chat could help someone out.

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