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The next 24 hours were a waiting game. Charlie was anxious about the babies, and I was anxious about Charlie.
But both made it through absolutely fine.

I was still keeping it underwraps we had stayed here overnight. Ash obviously knew, but that was it. We needed our peace and quiet, and he had been great about getting us some things from home and some nice food for Charlie. Not that she had much appetite, but still.

She had been able to move a bit, and sleep, but now it was the morning so we had to start the challenges all over again. I don't think she gave herself any grace about the fact she had just had huge surgery.

"Good morning honey,"

"This hurts,"

"You're in charge of your pain meds,"

Remembering, she pressed the button to give herself more and rubbed her eyes. She hadn't seen her babies yet, but I knew she wanted to. I had gone so that they had some skin to skin time, but it was her that needed to do that.

It took a while for her to warm up the morning, but I could tell she was happy not to have the bump anymore. She had half a muffin for breakfast, then Cleo came with a wheelchair.

"Good morning!"


"I was thinking about taking you to see the babies! Maybe giving them a little cuddle?"

"I can do that?"

"You can indeed,"

"I would like that. I would really like that,"

"Let's go then. Take your time getting out of bed,"

I helped her stand, then we got her in the wheelchair and I pushed her, Cleo leading the way. Charlie was biting her fingernails, and looked round at everything, especially all the babies when we went in. When we stopped, she became still too.

"If you sit in that chair then you can give them a cuddle,"

"They have no names yet... Gabi and Maddox haven't been?"

"They don't know about this all yet,"

"This is terrible. They don't have names. They already feel unloved,"

"They don't know much at all right now! But they will know it is you, and that you have been looking after them with a lot of love,"

"Okay," she said, sniffling, "I hope. I never want them to feel unloved,"

She managed to transfer herself to the chair and Cleo put a cushion over her, then gently moved the baby boy into her arms, helping her support him. He got a bit upset though, and she panicked.

"He will know your voice," I said, crouching beside her to gently support her arm.

"Hi baby," she said quietly, "He opened his eyes,"

"He wants to look at you,"

"Sorry you don't have a name yet. I bet your mummies have a great name picked out. They are gonna be good mummies,"

She kissed his forehead, then did it again, not looking away from him at all. He was so tiny.

"I also love you so much, and we will have so much fun everytime I come to visit. This is the best thing for me and you. It means all our memories together will just be happy ones and I would like that,"

"That is very sweet," I said, "Wanna say hi to baby girl?"


I helped Cleo swap the babies round and supported Charlie's arm again, watching her start to tear up.

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