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"Good morning honey. I brought you some water and some cereal,"

"Thank you,"

"How do you feel?"

"It is too early for that question,"


"Confused and a bit shit and a bit stupid," I mumbled.

"Well you aren't stupid, that is for sure,"

"I ruined the wedding,"

"You did no such thing!"

"You promise?"

"Yeah. Eat up,"

I did as he said, moving my legs so he could sit at the end of my bed. He drank his coffee, then laid next to me and held his hand out, letting me hold it; I shuffled into his side, and put all my weight on him.

"It was a bit of a hassle but I got you a dentist appointment in a few days,"


"Anything you wanna do today?"

"Just lay, and feel shit,"

"We could maybe change the feeling shit part,"

"We can't,"

Calum would never understand how it felt. Most people wouldn't. Never having a space that belonged to you, a space for your things, a space for yourself. I felt like I had been living ontop of people for years and floating around with no where I belonged.

It wasn't easy to just accept that he might be different. For all I knew he could switch up. He had the power. Once I was 18 he could send me on my way. This all seemed too good to be true.

"I feel like I am struggling a bit to understand what is upsetting you, honey. Can you explain it to me?"

"Are you really letting me stay?"

"I would love that. Yes,"

"I have never had a family like this so I need some patience,"

"I will give you all the patience I have. You just need to be yourself and everyone will love that,"

"I need to contribute,"

"We have been a family for a very long time, and each person has needed help at different points. It's me and you that people wanna help now!"

"I think Ally needs the help, and Maddox,"

"Yeah, well, Ashton is talking to her. I am sure you will help Maddox lots with tips about being pregnant,"

"I think I am really upset I haven't always had this as well,"


"And I hate my mum,"

"Okay," he said, hugging me tightly, "Alright,"

"Everyone here is so perfect,"

"They are not. You know, Gabi hates her biological mum too. Ally and Axel felt really similar to you, about not having Ashton their whole life. Luke didn't used to have money for food, Michael almost flunked some of med school. We have all had something we have struggled with!"

"You put everyone on blast,"

"Everyone seems pretty happy to tell you anyway.  You are not an odd one out, I promise,"

"You missed Maddox and Ashton out,"

"Yeahhh, well. Maybe they are perfect,"

I laughed and wiped my eyes, looking up at him. 

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