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It wasn't our usual hang out today, it was more of a Luke support group. Seeing your friend so upset was one of the worst things in the world. We had all been so excited for Gabi, but for Luke, hearing that news was like getting a miracle.

Growing up, Gabi wasn't meant to get a job and have kids. It had shattered Luke's heart, and I knew he was trying so hard not to show it because he wanted Gabi to be okay, but he couldn't gold that in forever. All night at the wedding it was talk about two things: how beautiful his daughter was, and how excited he was to be a grandad. I think he had been excited to spoil the baby of the family in the way he wanted to, but couldn't do, for Gabi.

We had spoken a lot, and once the kids had gone him and Ash had sat and spoke while we cooked, and it seemed to have helped a bit. Sierra and Crystal were going out for a girls night, so it was just us for a little bit. It was one of those things that didn't really have a fix other than time.

"How is Charlie doing?" he asked.

"Alright. She has another scan on Monday. I think she is settling in okay, but she hasn't stayed anywhere so long and I think she is waving in and out of anxiety,"

"Bless her,"

"I think this whole situation has upset her a lot. She adores the girls so much,"

"They've taken her under their wing for sure," Ashton smiled, "And Axel! He is very fond of her, but then again, she gets on with Ally so it's almost a given,"

"How is Ally?"

"This whole situation is a bit of a nightmare really. If I try and stop them seeing each other she threatens to sneak out or do something drastic, if I let her see him it's never good, if I try and get the police involved she goes into a full breakdown, and when she did speak to them she didn't tell them the truth, I think the bottom line is she is scared to tell me and it is breaking my heart,"

"Oh bless her,"

"She is really struggling but if I even say something like hey, you can talk to me about anything, she gets all defensive. I think it is a very complex situation,"

"I know that for me, knowing you guys still had my back, even when I was pushing you away so hard, was the most important thing," Luke said, "And you have got her back, and she knows, and she will lean on you eventually. It might not be when you want, but it will be when the timing is right for her and then you just have to be there for her without being angry,"

The front door clicked open and we promptly shut up, then Axel poked his head in and Ashton pat the space beside him, so they all came in. Immediately, I could tell Charlie had been crying again, and when she sat beside me she curled into my arms, so I gently hugged her.

Gabi went and curled into Luke's side, so I opened my arm for Mads and she hugged the other side of me. I never thought in a million years this was how life would be for me, but I treasured every moment I got with the kids. I was so grateful we could all still come together like this, and I felt very comfortable with how life was. I loved my people.

"Did you guys have fun?"

"Yeah. Charlie was excited,"

"Yeah," she said quietly, "Calum, I think I wanna go home,"

"Alright honey,"


"Don't be sorry! It has been a long day. Here are my car keys,"

She took them and left the room, so I hugged everyone goodbye, besides Gabi and Luke, because she was slot right into his side. They fit like puzzle pieces, and always had. She still gave me a kiss on the cheek.

When I got in the car, I took us straight home, and Charlie went to get in her pyjamas; I waited a bit, then let myself into her room and tucked her in, gently brushing my thumb on her cheek.

"Fresh day tomorrow, yeah?"


"Did you have fun with everyone?"

"Yeah. I like having cousins, it's like pre-made friends,"

"That is very true. I hope you sleep well sweetheart,"

"Me too. I really hope Maddox and Gabi like their plant,"

"I think they will adore it, and you handled it very well,"

"I love you," she said, really quietly.

"I love you too,"

I kissed her hand and turned her big light off, then left to chill by myself, feeling a little bit warm that she had expressed that to me. Each day I was learning more about her, and trying my best to be a good grown up for her, and I thought maybe it was working then.

She slot right into the family, and into my home, and knowing she felt comfortable was very rewarding for me, and very reassuring. There was a lot going on for her.

I got an early night, as most nights were lately.


With all the early nights, we didn't have any lie-ins, but I didn't mind. It was nice to cook breakfast, and know we had the day ahead.

We decided to go on a short walk after breakfast, then came back and watched a movie. She was quiet today, but I didn't really blame her. We still had a cosy day, and I appreciated us spending time together. Spending some chill time had been well needed, and I think it made Charlie feel a lot better about everything.

She was definitely still full of cold, so I was trying all the home remedies I knew, but the one that seemed the most effective was cuddling. Nowadays she seemed to enjoy them, and let me play with her hair to calm her down; sometimes she was the initiator.

"I am a bit hungry,"

"You literally opened your eyes from your nap 2 seconds ago,"

"And I am hungry,"

"Then I will get cooking!"

"Could you teach me?"

"I would love that,"

Yawning, she got up off the sofa and followed me to the kitchen, getting herself some water. Then, I showed her how to chop the veg properly, and how I made everything. Having company was rather nice, and I was always going to be happy to help her out. I was definitely not gonna let her be in Gabi's position where I was probably gonna have to be cooking for them for a while.

Once the food was made, we ate it at the table, both silent since we were so hungry. Luckily, all our washing up went in the dishwasher too, so we had nothing to clean. Instead, we played games in her room for a bit, until she got tired. I pumped her with medicine and made sure she was comfy enough to sleep, then took a shower before bed.

I heard frustrated groans not long later, and found Charlie in a pretty uncomfortable position, so I helped her with the pillow and sat rubbing her back until she managed to fall asleep. Very quickly, it was becoming harder for her to do certain things, and I felt so bad for her.

She was being very grown up about it all, but I really hoped she could be a kid again soon.

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