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"Shit. This isn't working," I mumbled to myself, "Why is this not flipping?... fuck. Calum!"

Desperately, I scraped the failed pancake with the spatula, but it was all stuck, and starting to burn. Now I had ruined his pan.

All I was trying to do was make him a nice breakfast. He was taking good care of me, and last night he was all cuddly. I wondered if something had happened, but I couldn't think of anything.

"What is that smell?"

"I tried to make pancakes. I am sorry,"

"What on Earth?" he said, starting to laugh, "Sit down, I will make you some,"

"They were meant to be for you,"

"Oh. Then we can make some together. Thank you,"

"Sorry I ruined the pan,"

"It'll clean,"

He got a new one out and got rid of whatever kind of mixture I had made, then showed me how to make a good mixture and prepare the pan. At first I had been a bit worried about me ruining the pan, but I was beginning to realise how calm Calum was in most situations. A burnt pan was probably nothing compared to what he saw in the hospital. I appreciated him teaching me things and helping me be better.

Once I had successfully helped him make pancakes, we sat and ate them together. It was the weekend now, but I was pretty sure Calum was taking time off work now until the twins came which was nice. More pancakes for me too.

"Do you have any blue ribbon?"

"I don't, but I expect one of the girls might,"

"I would like one in my hair,"

"That will look nice! Are you doing your makeup today?"

"Yeah. Is it at Gabi's house?"

"I think it's gonna be at Luke's. We have a few hours yet!"

"Good. I think I need to go back to bed,"

"Go on then," he said, "How long do you need to get ready?"

"An hour,"

"I'll wake you up,"

"Thank you,"

I took myself upstairs and crawled back into bed, falling back to sleep. I had woken up early to try these pancakes, so was happy for some more sleep. Unlucky for me, it didn't actually feel like much when I got woke up again, but at least my body had had it.

I put on blue sweatshirt and some leggings, then sat and did my makeup in the mirror. I changed a few of my earrings, and my nose ring, then tied my hair half up. I looked okay. Today wasn't really about me anyway, it was for Gabi and Maddox, so it was fine. In a way I was just like a surrogate except the babies were my biology and not theirs.

Since I had time left, I quickly drew them a card, then went downstairs and put my shoes on.

"You look nice!"

"Do I?"

"Yeah," Calum said, helping me do my shoes, "Is my outfit okay?"

"It looks good,"

"Then we both look good,"

When we got outside, he opened my car door for me, then shut it and climbed into his seat. We could probably walk, but I was pretty tired already. I was worried we would be the first one there, but we were actually the last by the look of things. We parked on the road, and headed into the back garden.

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