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"Why do you get so many unannounced guests?"

"Usually I am alone," Calum said, getting up when the doorbell rang, "It's Gabi,"

I flattened my hair and checked it looked okay in my phone camera, then covered myself with the blanket.

"What are you here for?"

"To check your suit,"

"Yeah. Thought so. My suit is fine,"

"I need to check it because I cannot sleep,"

"It's in my room,"

I heard her run upstairs, then a couple of minutes later she came back down, breathing out.


"Would you like to meet Charlie?"

"Yeah. Does she have a dress?"

"No, because not everyone is thinking about your wedding,"

"Hi," she said, letting herself in the living room, "I'm Gabi,"

"Hi," ; It came out barely a whisper.

"Charlie is a very big fan of Maddox it turns out,"

"No way! She will love that. Sorry for barging in, this wedding is consuming my life,"

"It's okay,"

"Are ya coming?"


"If you don't have a dress I am sure Mads will take you to the boutique and talk your ear off about the book,"

"That's expensive,"

"Our entire wedding is,"

"That sounds like a lovely idea," Calum said, "Thank you,"

"Oh my god, you should come and hang out with us girls before and get your makeup done. If you love pink then Ally will love you,"

"I feel like I am intruding on your wedding,"

"Nooo! I can't add another person to the makeup artist list but my mum has you covered. It'll be fun, and we will make sure you find Calum after,"

"Okay. Yeah,"

"I can't wait. Day after tomorrow for the dress?"

I looked at Calum and he nodded, so I nodded too and she did a squeal, hugging me tightly. This was one of those families. They all actually got along, and probably did game nights with pizza, and birthday parties with homemade cake. I hated it because I was jealous. I didn't want to be too invested so that when I left I wasn't sad and missed them, but I realised that might be hard.

Once she was gone, I relaxed my shoulders and Calum laughed, patting my head.

"You don't have to be all perfect. We are all far from that,"

"Well her and Maddox are so pretty, and do not get me started on Ally. That girl looks like a model!"

"Yeah, well, she doesn't think it. I promise you are not going to be an outcast,"

"She doesn't think it?! She is gorgeous, pissed me off a bit, in a good way,"

"She will definitely appreciate hearing it," he smiled, "Are you hungry?"

"A bit,"

"Yeah? I'll get cooking then,"

"Thanks. Will Maddox really want to take my dress shopping?"

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