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"Do you feel any better?"

"A bit yes, a bit no,"

"You are doing so well," I said, stroking her forehead like I had been doing for about the last twenty minutes to keep her from crying.

"Giving them away is becoming so real,"

"You still get to see them growing up,"

She nodded and held her bump, looking at it.

"I am ready for this to be gone,"

"I bet you are,"

"I hate having shots,"

"They're definitely not the nicest huh? Are you ready to try some food yet?"


I picked up half a sandwich and held it for her as she took small bites, slowly chewing. She was hooked up to a drip, had monitors over her bump, and had to have a couple of shots to make sure the babies were as prepared as they could be. It was obviously not best case, and I felt terrible for her. It was a real shame really, but I knew she would start to feel a bit better when she felt like herself again.

She ate the half of the sandwich, then shut her eyes and tried to get comfy, squeezing her eyes together.

"If the pain is getting worse then you can tell them. If they are wanting to come out there is only so much we can do, and they will try to come out whether you're uncomfortable or not,"

"I'm scared,"

"I know, honey. I am not gonna leave your side,"

"You promise I can stay and you will look after me,"

"I promise,"

"Okay. Maybe we can call someone,"

I pressed the nurses button for her and went back to stroking her forehead as we waited. Since it was well into the evening now, it was no longer Cleo, but they had assigned us Paula again. The nurse went and got her, and it was nice to see a friendly face for sure.

"Hiya Charlie. How are you doing?"

"Not good,"

"What's going on?"

"The pain is so much worse,"

"Alright. Have you felt your water break yet?"

"I don't know,"

"Okay. How about I check?"

She nodded, so Paula looked under the covers and gave her a small smile, tucking her back in.

"Not yet. I will get you some gas and air, it might help you get to sleep,"


"We think your babies are getting a little bit stressed, so if your water hasn't already broken before the morning, we are thinking about preparing for a c-section. How does that make you feel?"


"You are in very good hands. Here you go,"

She started breathing in the gas and air, turning to face me. I couldn't believe how brave she was being. I was extremely stressed about her and the babies, but I knew she was doing a good job. Plus, thankfully after a decent amount of time, she managed to get to sleep so I made sure to get some rest too.

It was a very up and down night, I had honestly never seen Charlie this upset, but her water still hadn't broken in the morning which they seemed pleased about. All night she had been pressing the nurses button, but there was only so much they could do. I was trying to keep people updated too , but didn't want us to be harassed, really.

It got to the point where she was practically hysterical, and Cleo came in, putting in her staff lanyard as she entered. Clearly she had just walked through the doors.

"Deary me! I think we had better get moving,"

"Why does it hurt so much?"

"Because your body wants to have these babies. We are gonna give you an epidural and get you down to the operating room," she said, "Is Calum coming with us?"


"Okie dokie. I have asked for the best doctor around,"

"I just want this to be over,"

"It will be soon. You have been such a brave patient,"

The door swung open and Ash walked in, which made my shoulders drop and I smiled, taking a deep breath. Moral support, even if he couldn't hang around.

"I hear an epidural is needed,"

"I will take anything at this point,"

"That's usually how it is," he laughed, starting to set up, "This sucks a bit, you will feel some pressure, but once it is in you will be on your merry way,"

"Just do it,"

They helped her sit up, then I came round the front of her and held her hands as her back got numbed. She didn't even make a sound or squeeze my hand as he put it in, until he asked her to squeeze my hand. She was hard as nails sometimes.

They got her a catheter, then pumped her with medicine and started prepping us for surgery. That mainly involved just putting her hair back and checking her vitals, then taking her down while I scrubbed in. The process wasn't rushed, but I certainly felt like I had no time to think. It was also very weird to be sat in the operating theatre. If you told me a month ago that this was all happening right now, I wouldn't believe you- our family had gained 3 new kids.

For a while, she was silent, holding my hand tightly. They had music on for her, but she seemed deep in thought, and medication.


"Yes honey,"

"I am sorry,"

"What for?"

"Dragging you into this,"

"I am extremely happy we found each other. You have nothing to be sorry for, and I think you are the most wonderful person,"

"Can you look after me?"

"Yeah. Of course I will," I said, gently stroking her cheek, "I will wait on you hand and foot,"

"I am a little bit sad to already to giving them up. I am letting them down again,"

"You aren't. This is not your fault, and now we get to see them, and hold their little hands and tell them it is going to be okay because they have two amazing mummies, an amazing biological mum, and lots of other family. They don't even know what they are in for!"

"And I get to go back to normal,"


"I am sorry you bought all my maternity clothes,"

"I reckon you will still get some use,"

"Thank you for always being kind to me,"

"I wouldn't dare be anything else,"

We were abruptly stopped by the sound of crying- a baby crying. Then two babies crying, and Charlie burst into tears. They both got rushed off, but we knew they were alive and right now that was all that mattered.
Right now, everyone was safe.
And this nightmare for her was starting to end.

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